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作者: a52080035 (zkow S_cks) 看板: FBaseball
標題: [情報] Aroldis Chapman
時間: Tue May 22 11:32:50 2012
Aroldis Chapman was arrested Monday in Grove City, Ohio after driving 93 mph
on a suspended license.
Chapman was pulled over after he was recorded speeding while driving his
black 2010 Mercedes S63. The Cuban left-hander was then arrested after the
officer discovered he had a suspended Kentucky driver's license. He was
released after posting bond and is expected to appear in court on June 6. The
Reds have yet to issue a comment on the matter.
簡單翻譯: 古巴火球男因駕照已被吊銷還超速被捕 然後被保釋了6月6號出庭