推 maxspeed150:如果是Crawford 全世界都知道他根本是被overpaid 06/11 13:13
→ maxspeed150:他的強項是速度 contact 和守備 06/11 13:13
→ maxspeed150:弱項是選球還有只能算中等的power 06/11 13:14
→ maxspeed150:這種球員如果找不到打擊感覺 去年已經演給我們看了 06/11 13:14
→ maxspeed150:更不用說他的守備在Fenway根本是無用武之地 06/11 13:15
→ maxspeed150:隨著年齡上升而價值降低 是因為他的這些tool是最容易 06/11 13:15
→ maxspeed150:退化的....... 06/11 13:15
→ maxspeed150:我不是啥鍵盤高手 有這意見的可不只有我一個 06/11 13:16
→ maxspeed150:喔對 Crawford的arm對RF而言也不出色 06/11 13:17
翻了一下之前的分析 其實大部分人在當時似乎都算看好這個簽約的
Dave Cameron
They got a lot better today. Yes, it’s a lot of money for a guy who doesn’t
do the things that traditionally earn a lot of money, but he’s worth it,
especially to Boston.
Tom Tango
Basically, Carl Crawford’s speed contributes to better aging, to the tune of
28MM$. What seemed to me this morning like an overpay, may in fact be a
perfectly sensible contract, only if the speed-aging pattern is something
Keith Law
Carl Crawford a definite plus for Red Sox
By signing Carl Crawford, the Red Sox land one of the biggest prizes on the
free-agent market, paying what we ought to call the Werth Premium. It's a
deal that's on the long side, but at least it was given to a player who's
likely to hold his value through the length of the contract.