Colorado going with 4-man rotation 75 pitches per start says Tracy
Tracy says team has has to use bullpen too much. 'We don't know what's going
to come out of this.' says he hopes this helps SPs focus
"It's not benefiting him or the club. We're throwing too many bullpen
innings." Tracy says of Guthrie
"We had to do something that was unconventional." Tracy on 4-man rotation
"we have 2 rookies in rotation. You have to be very careful. You can't just
throw them loose on 3 days rest." Tracy on 75 pitch limit
上次採用四人輪值的球隊是1995皇家隊 而這套玩法只用了半季就被放棄
這次落磯用四人輪值不知是會加速SP群的炸裂 還是反而激發出他們的潛力?