Colorado Rockies shortstop Troy Tulowitzki will have surgery on his left
groin area on Thursday and it's unknown when he'll return.
科羅拉多洛磯隊明星游擊手Troy Tulowitzki(以下簡稱兔肉)將在美國時間週四
Tulowitzki was injured May 30 against Houston, pulling up after running out
an infield grounder. The All-Star shortstop took himself out of a game last
Wednesday at Triple-A Colorado Springs after feeling not quite right.
Rockies manager Jim Tracy says a timetable for Tulowitzki's return won't be
known until he has the surgery. The operation will be performed by Dr.
William Meyers in Philadelphia.
洛磯總教頭Jim Tracy表示在兔肉接受手術前,並沒有明確的歸隊時間表。手術將由
William Meyers醫師執刀。
Tulowitzki has won the Gold Glove, Silver Slugger Award and gone to the
All-Star game each of the last two years. He was batting .287 with eight
homers and 27 RBIs.