[外電] 紅襪努力想在交易大限前有"大膽"舉動

作者: andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)   2012-07-20 03:34:51
Larry Lucchino: the Red Sox are striving to do something “bold” at the
trade deadline
That Carl Crawford-to-the-Marlins rumor from yesterday was shot down in
approximately 15 seconds, but that doesn’t mean the Red Sox aren’t still
trying to do something bold. That they are, says team president Larry
“I think that (general manager) Ben (Cherington) feels empowered to do it, I
think he has the capacity to do it, when he took the job and in fact since
then we have talked frequently about boldness. You’ve got to know when to be
bold and when to be somewhat conservative and methodical. This is a club
(that) has been built on bold moves over the years, going way back to the
Nomar Garciaparra trade in ’04 as one example.”
Personally, if I wanted to “empower” my GM I probably wouldn’t be out
giving expectation-raising interviews about the kinds of moves the team will
make at the deadline, but I obviously don’t have as much experience in
creating organizational harmony as Lucchino does.

作者: ug945 (ug945)   2012-07-20 03:36:00
FIRE Manager算嗎
作者: daki85421 ((σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ)   2012-07-20 03:39:00
Cherington......算了吧他(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
作者: majohn (喔)   2012-07-20 04:42:00
幹 賣鬧
作者: ramirez   2012-07-20 04:57:00
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2012-07-20 05:26:00
Nomar被賣掉之後紅襪SS被詛咒至今 這次不知道換哪個位置
作者: ddt73930 (酋小宇)   2012-07-20 05:30:00
作者: asdfzx (nbtgf)   2012-07-20 06:14:00
Paul Pierce先發啦
作者: jackys313 (BenZoby)   2012-07-20 06:32:00
LIN也不是游擊手阿, 外野你想拉誰下來?
作者: frank123ya (法蘭克123耶~)   2012-07-20 07:41:00
說瞎下台 叭叭(誤
作者: TiaraWei   2012-07-20 07:46:00
作者: allwin (要抓緊喔!)   2012-07-20 08:09:00
換Josh Johnson也行……
作者: lingsk (塵俗過隙)   2012-07-20 08:09:00
把總教練火了 這季強化隊醫可以嗎
作者: allwin (要抓緊喔!)   2012-07-20 08:10:00
換Ryan Dempster也OK,Theo自己人就佛心一下吧…
作者: peter11016 (中華隊加油)   2012-07-20 10:26:00
作者: tony160079 (La vida de un idiota)   2012-07-20 10:57:00
作者: zippy (清淨至無餘)   2012-07-20 11:28:00
作者: adsl50208 (風玄)   2012-07-20 11:46:00
推 lingsk:把總教練火了 這季強化隊醫可以嗎 大推
作者: hsupigskin (紅襪迷嗎?你po文有罪!)   2012-07-20 13:37:00
作者: meteorhades (hank)   2012-07-20 20:48:00
作者: kazamishu (修)   2012-07-20 23:01:00
火掉教練 醫療團隊
作者: mactracy (T-Mac)   2012-07-21 02:11:00
作者: PlayStation3 (超級喜歡于小文)   2012-07-21 03:46:00
作者: groupieken (耕耕)   2012-07-21 04:27:00

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