andy880036s (築牆是一種態度)
2012-07-26 22:53:44Marlins players are pretty happy to see Hanley Ramirez gone
Hanley Ramirez‘s former Marlins teammates? Not sad to see him gone:
One player who spoke on the condition of anonymity said, “There were a lot
of smiles’’ in the Marlins clubhouse Wednesday morning, happiness because a
player disliked by many in the organization — but protected by the front
office for years because he was producing — was finally gone.
“They created a monster from a very good baseball player — gave him so much
slack to do whatever the [expletive] he wanted because he was performing,’’
the player said.
“You can push some things aside when you’re hitting .340 with 40 home runs.
You say ‘He’s a [jerk], but I can deal with it. … But when you’re not
playing and you’re trying to be that same [jerk], it starts rubbing people
the wrong way.’’
And Ozzie Guillen was pretty frank too:
Guillen, asked Wednesday what Ramirez’s absence would mean to the lineup,
said, “Nothing. Because he wasn’t producing.”
It’s all on Jeff Loria, who protected Hanley Ramirez from any
accountability. It was well-known in Miami that Ramirez was one of his
favorites. He even bought him jewelry! And when former manager Fredi
Gonzalez tried to get some sort of control over Ramirez, disciplining him for
slacking off and stuff, Gonzalez was undercut. Then he was fired. And that’
s no way to run a railroad.
(thanks to Old Gator for the links)