miniblog (miniBlog)
2012-08-11 18:12:15辛辛那提紅人 (CIN) VS 芝加哥小熊 (CHC) (10 : 8)
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http://goo.gl/WbktA http://goo.gl/81Of4 Castro's two-run double
http://goo.gl/OxIgy http://goo.gl/JKIAX Castillo's RBI double
http://goo.gl/Q8TvP http://goo.gl/GXXMn Frazier's two-run single
http://goo.gl/ZGbWa http://goo.gl/pqbJt Stubbs scores on errors
http://goo.gl/sa3ev http://goo.gl/Fav2X Bailey saves a run
http://goo.gl/Jx2kL http://goo.gl/7ZqFc Soriano's two-run double
http://goo.gl/f1vKu http://goo.gl/Qzc9N Ludwick's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/vqlEz http://goo.gl/T2D5q Bailey's RBI single
http://goo.gl/CMHdv http://goo.gl/rz2Tf Frazier's RBI double
http://goo.gl/6zhC7 http://goo.gl/0JlwH Phillips' fake-out
http://goo.gl/G4rz0 http://goo.gl/mwPII Barney's basket grab
http://goo.gl/KaEZQ http://goo.gl/5gvH2 Castillo's second RBI double
http://goo.gl/HfRM7 http://goo.gl/vyjcF Cozart's RBI double
http://goo.gl/nNttF http://goo.gl/ysFcy Chapman's heater
http://goo.gl/jcCuc http://goo.gl/1Koxm DeJesus' RBI double
http://goo.gl/BWYNk http://goo.gl/y0aQf Chapman notches the save
http://goo.gl/ubyqx http://goo.gl/W2eO8 Wind wreaks havoc at Wrigley
http://goo.gl/N8xEY http://goo.gl/gtJ0e Germano on his tough outing
http://goo.gl/wH9Qo http://goo.gl/xPtHw Sveum on Cubs' tough loss
http://goo.gl/b38BO http://goo.gl/rCUX2 Recap: CIN 10, CHC 8
http://goo.gl/iGIEE http://goo.gl/9fjjO Ludwick's big day
http://goo.gl/T8F2h http://goo.gl/ce6Yz Frazier's four RBIs
http://goo.gl/mqEZE http://goo.gl/qXj1b Bochy on offensive struggles
http://goo.gl/p0p0J http://goo.gl/WF3nf Lombardozzi's four hits
聖地牙哥教士 (SD) VS 匹茲堡海盜 (PIT) (9 : 8)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/LA8YF http://goo.gl/OEnXo Amarista's leadoff homer
http://goo.gl/fr3L6 http://goo.gl/QhUDW Marte's RBI single
http://goo.gl/TwPCl http://goo.gl/U7dHd Jones' solo blast
http://goo.gl/UIDIr http://goo.gl/1QgTL Snider's three-run homer
http://goo.gl/z9Vqz http://goo.gl/1HeBA Headley's three-run shot
http://goo.gl/ReYjt http://goo.gl/LELQF Guzman's two-run double
http://goo.gl/HYCA4 http://goo.gl/0zx1k Headley's second homer
http://goo.gl/1VmDE http://goo.gl/efx9g Gregerson's quick grab
http://goo.gl/HftW6 http://goo.gl/MG4kU McCutchen's nice catch
http://goo.gl/CI2YG http://goo.gl/1hAXG Alonso's heads-up play
http://goo.gl/u7jmN http://goo.gl/0rlzG Alvarez's barehanded play
http://goo.gl/5aZXe http://goo.gl/ZHTsX Street injured in save
http://goo.gl/X4Bwj http://goo.gl/hdezP Barajas' RBI single
http://goo.gl/5UgYE http://goo.gl/ApKMA Amarista's RBI single
http://goo.gl/zxzVJ http://goo.gl/XnJuX Alvarez's two-run single
http://goo.gl/vA2O4 http://goo.gl/cBwzT Headley's two homers
http://goo.gl/vIR0p http://goo.gl/1QKaD Must C: Chase
http://goo.gl/UCPHw http://goo.gl/Fy266 Recap: SD 9, PIT 8
洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) VS 邁阿密馬林魚 (MIA) (5 : 2)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/jb0s5 http://goo.gl/3mmTg Ruggiano's long home run
http://goo.gl/QGFUP http://goo.gl/o3Zr8 Hanley on his Miami return
http://goo.gl/YlQS4 http://goo.gl/S8wod Hanley's return
http://goo.gl/mT4ci http://goo.gl/KviqK Hanley's go-ahead single
http://goo.gl/58FuI http://goo.gl/enr5i Kemp's RBI double
http://goo.gl/WVU9n http://goo.gl/UQGAR Rivera's two-run blast
http://goo.gl/c30w8 http://goo.gl/OUeN3 Lee's sacrifice fly
http://goo.gl/IHiA4 http://goo.gl/ZgXDB Hill on recent trades
http://goo.gl/fJwpx http://goo.gl/MwAqy Hanley's RBI single
http://goo.gl/HQovC http://goo.gl/FkRU7 Loney's dazzling play
http://goo.gl/8I8yK http://goo.gl/fRzHu Green's fielder's choice
http://goo.gl/AHK94 http://goo.gl/hEQ4y Buehrle turns two
http://goo.gl/ZceIB http://goo.gl/xZ9ni Hairston's nice play
http://goo.gl/o1Lxo http://goo.gl/SLSzF Solano's fielder's choice
http://goo.gl/sx77r http://goo.gl/3NGE9 Hanley returns to Miami
http://goo.gl/5HVYH http://goo.gl/1MHgv Recap: LAD 5, MIA 2
http://goo.gl/0UhTM http://goo.gl/y4K6s Kershaw wins No. 10
http://goo.gl/WvT2C http://goo.gl/Pr2sS Ozzie on loss
亞特蘭大勇士 (ATL) VS 紐約大都會 (NYM) (4 : 0)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/qBDK2 http://goo.gl/FpEuV Heyward's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/Y42ae http://goo.gl/7YlgO Hairston's diving catch
http://goo.gl/DrwzO http://goo.gl/jgZjU Cedeno's quick glove
http://goo.gl/9mOl4 http://goo.gl/ds5EN Uggla's two-run home run
http://goo.gl/Zkk6R http://goo.gl/Vnjxy Braves turn two
http://goo.gl/H8GAw http://goo.gl/rmb91 Maholm completes shutout
http://goo.gl/FdyDg http://goo.gl/fXYid Harvey's first out at Citi Field
http://goo.gl/XGD3k http://goo.gl/72ChB Collins on Harvey's performance
http://goo.gl/nkxaa http://goo.gl/GoamT Maholm's three-hit shutout
http://goo.gl/7MNl9 http://goo.gl/OwW6g Recap: ATL 4, NYM 0
http://goo.gl/UVoOP http://goo.gl/MXQ2P Harvey's Citi Field debut
波士頓紅襪 (BOS) VS 克里夫蘭印地安人 (CLE) (3 : 2)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/DkAYS http://goo.gl/c0lSu Asdrubal's solo shot
http://goo.gl/Z5BzA http://goo.gl/OpxG2 Pedroia's RBI single
http://goo.gl/IeruK http://goo.gl/Dx6xw Carrera's diving catch
http://goo.gl/eHJQB http://goo.gl/5yJff Brantley's nice grab
http://goo.gl/8osgx http://goo.gl/86JKY Ross' two-run dinger
http://goo.gl/70wse http://goo.gl/MJVy6 Pedroia's tough play
http://goo.gl/ibJs8 http://goo.gl/05YVW Buchholz goes the distance
http://goo.gl/ZagDa http://goo.gl/BAAyT Carrera's sacrifice fly
http://goo.gl/asYnl http://goo.gl/o7xRj Carrera's nice grab
http://goo.gl/FKDTb http://goo.gl/KHhM1 Buchholz's complete game
http://goo.gl/alqGP http://goo.gl/lkLlZ Middlebrooks exits after HBP
http://goo.gl/zcBGF http://goo.gl/aNMaE Recap: BOS 3, CLE 2
堪薩斯城皇家 (KC) VS 巴爾的摩金鶯 (BAL) (1 : 7)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/W9kT6 http://goo.gl/ducfP Perez's solo homer
http://goo.gl/5Mlh1 http://goo.gl/ivtoi Quintanilla's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/eIQMB http://goo.gl/7cm2y Machado's first career homer
http://goo.gl/zQQXI http://goo.gl/lnU4j Jones' great running grab
http://goo.gl/to9ik http://goo.gl/PCeb7 McLouth's RBI double
http://goo.gl/gbpll http://goo.gl/u8uk1 Machado's three-run blast
http://goo.gl/749Bt http://goo.gl/BAQTx Dyson exits with leg injury
http://goo.gl/rDJlb http://goo.gl/eSKV6 Lucky fan gets interviewed
http://goo.gl/1nYbp http://goo.gl/X3rVt O's relay nabs Francoeur
http://goo.gl/6DJ9g http://goo.gl/XPHxI Perez nabs Jones at second
http://goo.gl/6eQqt http://goo.gl/68Qov Markakis' nice grab
http://goo.gl/5hn5C http://goo.gl/i73Je Gonzalez's gem
http://goo.gl/8kCsh http://goo.gl/MLBKc Machado goes deep twice
http://goo.gl/oq6d3 http://goo.gl/Ucr53 Machado's first pie
http://goo.gl/s9Sl5 http://goo.gl/BpNrc Lucky fan catches two homers
http://goo.gl/89Wj9 http://goo.gl/vFsJR Must C: Classic
http://goo.gl/xBsio http://goo.gl/cD1rm Showalter on Machado
http://goo.gl/799vW http://goo.gl/0Ab85 Recap: KC 1, BAL 7
http://goo.gl/wHhG0 http://goo.gl/nuEkZ Fan catches both Machado homers
紐約洋基 (NYY) VS 多倫多藍鳥 (TOR) (10 : 4)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/HfYmL http://goo.gl/R8bpL Cano's RBI single
http://goo.gl/sXnQb http://goo.gl/0reZf Johnson's solo blast
http://goo.gl/GjGao http://goo.gl/hu9cU Johnson's RBI double
http://goo.gl/28hM5 http://goo.gl/AccWq Ichiro's two-run single
http://goo.gl/XsIBJ http://goo.gl/x0ICs Tex's solo blast
http://goo.gl/RRhgm http://goo.gl/kKcEI 這樣也可以失誤 .... 一朗賺飽飽
http://goo.gl/AMa99 http://goo.gl/qYZLk Ibanez's RBI single
http://goo.gl/9WKu1 http://goo.gl/IC5no Martin's bloop single
http://goo.gl/XI3bn http://goo.gl/9xTYT Ichiro's RBI fielder's choice
http://goo.gl/Ol3cV http://goo.gl/ChXNW Cano scores on error
http://goo.gl/D2Zqw http://goo.gl/tTjRK Jeter's diving stop
http://goo.gl/QvBGj http://goo.gl/ChXNW Cano scores on error
http://goo.gl/GwIA0 http://goo.gl/Tlo21 Mathis' RBI single
http://goo.gl/YlEWt http://goo.gl/IHBVQ Gose scores on double play
http://goo.gl/ZgLBH http://goo.gl/DFGR3 Swisher's RBI double
http://goo.gl/7Rulf http://goo.gl/AccWq Ichiro's two-run single
http://goo.gl/LWMHH http://goo.gl/oy3dL 今日藍鳥守備感覺像是打壘球
http://goo.gl/tt9zb http://goo.gl/cj7ld Farrell on Romero
http://goo.gl/juxOY http://goo.gl/VMfGB Ichiro's big night
http://goo.gl/h2Ez8 http://goo.gl/211aI Recap: NYY 10, TOR 4
聖路易紅雀 (STL) VS 費城費城人 (PHI) (1 : 3)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/bOiVQ http://goo.gl/Gxqd2 Beltran's solo homer
http://goo.gl/wZ2ia http://goo.gl/GNXS3 Brown's RBI single
http://goo.gl/UI15S http://goo.gl/7G2tb Frandsen's great play
http://goo.gl/9whRH http://goo.gl/8rAhX Utley's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/ONUMH http://goo.gl/rPb6M Craig's double
http://goo.gl/9AcLL http://goo.gl/9ivsP Papelbon shuts the door
http://goo.gl/y11Jp http://goo.gl/U3i80 Rollins heads to second on balk
http://goo.gl/KAnfD http://goo.gl/vmlIj Pierre steals second base
http://goo.gl/lwPPC http://goo.gl/IAuZO Lieberthal added to Wall of Fame
http://goo.gl/Z2ani http://goo.gl/tXNjF Doc's stellar start
http://goo.gl/vAU60 http://goo.gl/6kDiB Manuel on Halladay's great start
http://goo.gl/1QKOJ http://goo.gl/eaCCN Lieberthal on induction
http://goo.gl/a0INx http://goo.gl/lGFDw Recap: STL 1, PHI 3
http://goo.gl/EX6OH http://goo.gl/SVjpt Lohse's strong start
密爾瓦基釀酒人 (MIL) VS 休士頓太空人 (HOU) (3 : 4)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/DG24f http://goo.gl/UYmXk Braun's RBI double
http://goo.gl/5Xjgt http://goo.gl/lVjBa Morgan strikes out, Mills argues
http://goo.gl/FfL9g http://goo.gl/8J45b Astros turn two
http://goo.gl/3Ru5E http://goo.gl/qUDYH Corporan's RBI single
http://goo.gl/I4WKf http://goo.gl/oTSbN Corporan's solo shot
http://goo.gl/reir3 http://goo.gl/K7TFp Segura's RBI single
http://goo.gl/2IvH6 http://goo.gl/HDI6Q Brewers lose on walk-off
http://goo.gl/skxGD http://goo.gl/3sM65 Bogusevic's walk-off single
http://goo.gl/RKwUT http://goo.gl/xrWp8 Norris starts double play
http://goo.gl/nx5zt http://goo.gl/DH2ky Bagwell throws out first pitch
http://goo.gl/9qT3O http://goo.gl/7qMX3 Brewers turn two
http://goo.gl/Zl5Gh http://goo.gl/JagGf Weeks scores on wild pitch
http://goo.gl/e1Hrv http://goo.gl/vndJa Pearce's RBI single
http://goo.gl/HTkWq http://goo.gl/m3yU7 Bogusevic on his walk-off hit
http://goo.gl/QoVyf http://goo.gl/bSYX2 Mills on 4-3 win
http://goo.gl/CDFIV http://goo.gl/mfa5v Corporan's big day
http://goo.gl/T3RIa http://goo.gl/tvEQX Recap: MIL 3, HOU 4
http://goo.gl/Csk77 http://goo.gl/5JDvf Update on Rouse's Journey
底特律老虎 (DET) VS 德州遊騎兵 (TEX) (6 : 2)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/SJDtZ http://goo.gl/79QCF 黑米31號出爐了
http://goo.gl/owMTz http://goo.gl/wwvbV Andrus' RBI single
http://goo.gl/XPdjN http://goo.gl/Vqq5U Miggy's RBI single
http://goo.gl/PkDnw http://goo.gl/EUxHM Hamilton's nice sliding catch
http://goo.gl/3RCjK http://goo.gl/nV5tp 小王子三分砲 .. 這打擊 ...
http://goo.gl/eW89A http://goo.gl/AeVgR Young's RBI double
http://goo.gl/oIIpg http://goo.gl/bQ79O Jackson's inside-the-park homer
http://goo.gl/ue7L3 http://goo.gl/wwvbV Andrus' RBI single
http://goo.gl/QVVSR http://goo.gl/ZNp6E Must C: Clips
http://goo.gl/l9w2P http://goo.gl/fnRlJ Recap: DET 6, TEX 2
http://goo.gl/893II http://goo.gl/A3kBt Scherzer's eight strikeouts
奧克蘭運動家 (OAK) VS 芝加哥白襪 (CWS) (3 : 4)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/Iwx4i http://goo.gl/BKglM Pierzynski's 150th career homer
http://goo.gl/53WNy http://goo.gl/nO6I6 Moss' two-run homer
http://goo.gl/rk0QK http://goo.gl/czGyo Floyd escapes a jam
http://goo.gl/64o0J http://goo.gl/y1PR2 Alexei's solo shot
http://goo.gl/4J5xk http://goo.gl/8scJj Cespedes' running catch
http://goo.gl/0XNKA http://goo.gl/swQDG Viciedo's game-tying homer
http://goo.gl/rLkmv http://goo.gl/UUKsL Danks' walk-off homer
http://goo.gl/8n8T4 http://goo.gl/YM508 Sox celebrate Charity Week
http://goo.gl/2NJwU http://goo.gl/nnfD8 McCarthy's nice catch
http://goo.gl/V1sg1 http://goo.gl/8ubf4 Reddick's RBI groundout
http://goo.gl/6nanO http://goo.gl/hMHWL Inge's nice play
http://goo.gl/1oVyW http://goo.gl/hduvE Ventura on walk-off win
http://goo.gl/BON1I http://goo.gl/G4cYW A's fall on walk-off homer
http://goo.gl/LOn8U http://goo.gl/SyQad Must C: Clutch
http://goo.gl/iZHDN http://goo.gl/Oi6yd Danks on his walk-off homer
http://goo.gl/GZt17 http://goo.gl/BhbzX Recap: OAK 3, CWS 4
http://goo.gl/qVPyE http://goo.gl/ZQYiw White Sox hit four homers
http://goo.gl/y2RGb http://goo.gl/s8u8m Rock the Sox: Greg Bates
http://goo.gl/SdGQO http://goo.gl/2c6fk Hero of the Game: Chester Kozera
http://goo.gl/j31gE http://goo.gl/bGMG0 Ramblin' Ray's first pitch
坦帕灣光芒 (TB) VS 明尼蘇達雙城 (MIN) (12 : 6)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/KSTls http://goo.gl/jxkOK Willingham's RBI single
http://goo.gl/cmxJ6 http://goo.gl/u7pGA Longoria's RBI single
http://goo.gl/VwpcO http://goo.gl/qxYfp Joyce's two-run double
http://goo.gl/SaLyI http://goo.gl/UTdTS Jennings' RBI double
http://goo.gl/lKRwd http://goo.gl/TrzDG Mauer's RBI single
http://goo.gl/fLSME http://goo.gl/JrZQj Doumit's solo shot
http://goo.gl/pZHV5 http://goo.gl/H9VzA Molina's two-run single
http://goo.gl/sXxCt http://goo.gl/GFRLe Upton's two-run double
http://goo.gl/Z1Wao http://goo.gl/JN1fv Casilla's RBI single
http://goo.gl/z8VmX http://goo.gl/zfbDV Joyce's two-run dinger
http://goo.gl/MZUNj http://goo.gl/CqReU Revere's RBI groundout
http://goo.gl/m1w99 http://goo.gl/ObHph Molina's RBI single
http://goo.gl/4OvUa http://goo.gl/JJDEk Pena scores on error
http://goo.gl/IxT3m http://goo.gl/8owrB Recap: TB 12, MIN 6
華盛頓國民 (WSH) VS 亞利桑那響尾蛇 (ARI) (9 : 1)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/xU4Zz http://goo.gl/T1CYx Harper's sac fly
http://goo.gl/njZKZ http://goo.gl/IazYW Ump forced to leave game
http://goo.gl/K7U0e http://goo.gl/pBJfE Zimmerman's two-run tater
http://goo.gl/kGiqm http://goo.gl/r8BCt Morse's monster solo shot
http://goo.gl/Jgjrd http://goo.gl/h7iOX Lombardozzi scores on error
http://goo.gl/3IM3c http://goo.gl/Z5ICP Saunders on the Strasburg plan
http://goo.gl/DxwVx http://goo.gl/eM0bE Harper's second sac fly
http://goo.gl/nwzN9 http://goo.gl/ZGeJ4 LaRoche's RBI double
http://goo.gl/uwzp7 http://goo.gl/co002 Fan gets a souvenir
http://goo.gl/ni2a9 http://goo.gl/dtm39 Werth's two-run double
http://goo.gl/VNjDe http://goo.gl/zUfTR Johnson's RBI single
http://goo.gl/zmVB0 http://goo.gl/Xp6mh Strasburg wins No. 13
http://goo.gl/1rB9U http://goo.gl/e30sb Gibson on 9-1 loss
http://goo.gl/h2Ubn http://goo.gl/51vRd Recap: WSH 9, ARI 1
西雅圖水手 (SEA) VS 洛杉磯天使 (LAA) (5 : 6)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/MdRAs http://goo.gl/HHFvr Jaso's three-run jack
http://goo.gl/CBmI4 http://goo.gl/4tIAe 新人 Trout 平飛三分砲 太扯了
http://goo.gl/TrTjq http://goo.gl/aMBth Ackley's two-run blast
http://goo.gl/aYHsK http://goo.gl/V2WmF 看起來應該是 Safe
http://goo.gl/mZ9P7 http://goo.gl/q0vOk Angels turn two
http://goo.gl/HgllN http://goo.gl/wuYyf Kendrick's off-balance throw
http://goo.gl/YOkqM http://goo.gl/y3ELA Seager saves a run
http://goo.gl/Y0xQt http://goo.gl/Srvc9 Trout's sac fly scores two
http://goo.gl/cFPON http://goo.gl/AUbJJ Angels turn two
http://goo.gl/UGg5Z http://goo.gl/i9Q0H Angels walk off on wild pitch
http://goo.gl/5qGyf http://goo.gl/HHFvr Jaso's three-run jack
http://goo.gl/llMTJ http://goo.gl/Jverf Mariners lose on wild pitch
http://goo.gl/6zP2Z http://goo.gl/IUSc2 Trout drives in five
http://goo.gl/sMB4b http://goo.gl/shvMh Frieri fans the side
http://goo.gl/lAtwB http://goo.gl/dY9mV Recap: SEA 5, LAA 6
科羅拉多落磯 (COL) VS 舊金山巨人 (SF) (3 : 0)
>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<< >>>>>>官網版<<<<<<<
http://goo.gl/sZrXP http://goo.gl/TkLhq Rosario throws out Pagan
http://goo.gl/LvPJZ http://goo.gl/4XwTt Pagan's heads-up throw
http://goo.gl/ghMCi http://goo.gl/XLzXu Fowler's RBI single
http://goo.gl/q0wsk http://goo.gl/X4yIL Rockies turn two
http://goo.gl/fQC4I http://goo.gl/nEmgQ Pagan's sliding catch
http://goo.gl/bWp9U http://goo.gl/G0Rtq Colvin's RBI single
http://goo.gl/wkg14 http://goo.gl/wx2Fo DeLorean spotted in McCovey Cove
http://goo.gl/1l92T http://goo.gl/7zHSZ LeMahieu's great play
http://goo.gl/RC6PO http://goo.gl/ELxOZ Nelson's sacrifice fly
http://goo.gl/iIhT7 http://goo.gl/s42PR LeMahieu's nice throw
http://goo.gl/o4qZC http://goo.gl/esRBz Betancourt seals the win
http://goo.gl/XHXZX http://goo.gl/6jhmU Melky steals second
http://goo.gl/fPQju http://goo.gl/xHJSw Colvin's nice play
http://goo.gl/pafAw http://goo.gl/uuRAZ Scutaro's quick snag
http://goo.gl/mi9zb http://goo.gl/Y5Vq8 Chatwood's scoreless start
http://goo.gl/ppM7m http://goo.gl/OdFwU Cain's perfect-game celebration
http://goo.gl/7xv0q http://goo.gl/ZVyVN Recap: COL 3, SF 0
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http://goo.gl/5HVYH http://goo.gl/1MHgv Recap: LAD 5, MIA 2
http://goo.gl/7MNl9 http://goo.gl/OwW6g Recap: ATL 4, NYM 0
http://goo.gl/zcBGF http://goo.gl/aNMaE Recap: BOS 3, CLE 2
http://goo.gl/799vW http://goo.gl/0Ab85 Recap: KC 1, BAL 7
http://goo.gl/h2Ez8 http://goo.gl/211aI Recap: NYY 10, TOR 4
http://goo.gl/a0INx http://goo.gl/lGFDw Recap: STL 1, PHI 3
http://goo.gl/T3RIa http://goo.gl/tvEQX Recap: MIL 3, HOU 4
http://goo.gl/l9w2P http://goo.gl/fnRlJ Recap: DET 6, TEX 2
http://goo.gl/GZt17 http://goo.gl/BhbzX Recap: OAK 3, CWS 4
http://goo.gl/IxT3m http://goo.gl/8owrB Recap: TB 12, MIN 6
http://goo.gl/h2Ubn http://goo.gl/51vRd Recap: WSH 9, ARI 1
http://goo.gl/lAtwB http://goo.gl/dY9mV Recap: SEA 5, LAA 6
http://goo.gl/7xv0q http://goo.gl/ZVyVN Recap: COL 3, SF 0
http://goo.gl/OckGj http://goo.gl/LDNsn 2012-08-11 Daily Dash
http://goo.gl/CYP4i http://goo.gl/Ge2Mz 2012-08-11 Top 5 Plays of the Day
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