Homura (虎斑街貓˙Rebirth)
2012-08-26 14:31:48Monday, July 21, 1975, Shea Stadium
Astros 6-2 Mets
Bottom 1
Felix Millan singles to CF, 1 out
Joe Torre grounds into Double Play(1-4-3), Millan out at 2B
Bottom 3
Felix Millan singles to RF, Del Unser to 2B, 1 out
Joe Torre grounds into Double Play(6-4-3), Millan out at 2B
Bottom 6
Felix Millan singles to RF, 0 out
Joe Torre grounds into Double Play(4-6-3). Millan out at 2B
Bottom 8
Felix Millan singles to RF, Del Unser to 2B, 0 out
Joe Torre grounds into Double Play(6-4-3), Millan out at 2B
如此堅定的同伴情誼,不知道史上還有沒有其他比賽發生過 qq