CHICAGO — As the Milwaukee Brewers’ Ryan Braun jogged to left field in the
first inning of a game against the Cubs last week, the catcalls cascaded from
the Wrigley Field bleachers.
上週Braun作客芝加哥小熊時 從觀眾席傳來陣陣噓聲
“Ster-oids, ster-oids,” fans chanted.
熊迷 "類固~醇~ 類固~醇~"
“Hey, Ryan, I got a syringe for you!” screamed a man in a Cubs jersey well
within earshot of Braun, cupping his hands around his mouth.
"嗨, Ryan, 我有支針筒給你" 一位熊迷大聲對Braun叫道