Keith Law: 金鶯是no good team

作者: abc12812   2012-09-06 08:42:40
“There’s literally nothing that the Orioles can do to convince me that they
are a good team,” Law ranted. “They’re like the eighth best team in the
American League.
Law "金鶯在美聯大概只排第八名吧"
The eighth best team in the AL is tied for the second best record.
“I can just tell you objectively — are they better than Oakland or the
Angels, the Rays, Tigers, the White Sox, the Rangers, the Yankees? No, I don’
t think they’re better than any of those clubs. I don’t think they’re
better than a healthy Blue Jays club.”
If the Orioles have a better record than the Angels, Rays, Tigers and White
Sox, how are they a worse team?
“It’d be nice if they outscored their opponents on the season,” Law
suggested referring to the tireless run differential argument.
And he’s right, the Orioles have a negative run differential. -19 to be
exact. However, their run differential against all teams except the Angels
and Rangers is +44.
“Yeah they might make the playoffs, okay. I doubt it. I mean they’re
inferior to all those teams I just listed.”
"當然他們是有可能進季後賽 不過還是比上述幾支球隊都差"
作者: REAW (LoveLoveLove)   2012-09-06 08:43:00
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-09-06 08:45:00
作者: taiwancat (喵喵)   2012-09-06 08:45:00
作者: rahim03 (隨風而去)   2012-09-06 08:46:00
扣掉對上天使和遊騎兵 金鶯的DIFF是+44
作者: rahim03 (隨風而去)   2012-09-06 08:48:00
對天使 2-7 9場比賽丟掉54分 對遊騎兵2-5 7場丟56分
作者: hunterqiji (hunter)   2012-09-06 08:51:00
作者: rahim03 (隨風而去)   2012-09-06 08:51:00
那是文章寫的 而且跟扣掉失分最多的情況也不依樣
作者: kawo (無主神殿)   2012-09-06 08:53:00
扣掉對上火力最兇猛的隊伍被打爆的幾場來統計 實在也很妙
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-09-06 08:54:00
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-09-06 09:19:00
真巧 這篇一發 不健康籃鳥就小打爆金鳥了
作者: Gilbertsky (Gilbert)   2012-09-06 09:21:00
Ayala太操了 這樣子用再強的牛也會掛阿
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-09-06 09:23:00
AYALA太操了 越來越抖 壘上有人 他都常會精算把你花掉
作者: zippy (清淨至無餘)   2012-09-06 09:23:00
是啊,只排第八啊!! 可是人家就是有可能進季後賽啊
作者: zippy (清淨至無餘)   2012-09-06 09:24:00
作者: kauw (kauw)   2012-09-06 09:28:00
還有的拼 進了再說吧 天使也追上來了 亂成一團..
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-09-06 09:46:00
扣掉美西算可以成立主要是因為美西打得不如在美東多, 雖然這
作者: CGary (下雨天也挺浪漫的)   2012-09-06 09:47:00
幾場掉分掉到爆掉, 但在戰績上損失卻是有限...
作者: Gilbertsky (Gilbert)   2012-09-06 09:54:00
Renolds又開轟了 可惜為時已晚
作者: bestnyc   2012-09-06 09:58:00
作者: clkdtm32 (愷愷)   2012-09-06 10:31:00
作者: colin79813 (kjam)   2012-09-06 10:52:00
純噓Keith Law
作者: colin79813 (kjam)   2012-09-06 10:54:00
作者: ddtcd (專注)   2012-09-06 11:25:00
NBA老八傳奇? 最後都沒拿到champ的說 我只知道火箭老6傳奇
作者: tunababy (相信妳自己,真的....)   2012-09-06 15:05:00
作者: ddtcd (專注)   2012-09-06 16:40:00
今年的客場殺手洛杉磯國王隊 我自己認為史上最強老8
作者: IwanTuRasS (阿姨)   2012-09-06 22:50:00

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