※ 引述《JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)》之銘言:
: B.J. Upton Now Differently Confounding
: 關於B.J Upton 有些事情在閱讀下列文章前要了解:
: (1)B.J今年球季結束後將成為FA 他今年28歲
: (2) 在光芒跟條子系列賽的最後一場 B.J 單場擊出三響炮(19,20,21)
: 我無法不去注意那Contact% 幾乎是揮7次就會有3次揮空!!!
: 但是卻也無法忽視那漂亮的OPS 他揮多更積極 但是球也飛的越遠
: 現在最重要的不是Upton是不是FA
: Upton跟光芒正在為季後賽奮戰 近30天的28場比賽他擊出11發HR外加8次盜壘
: 問題是Upton到底能有多好? 各種數據指出不同的面相 有的好 有的壞
: 在球季的最後一個月 光芒將會有一個很強,很掙扎或是在兩者其中的打者(Upton)
: 這種表現也會出現在球季後 或許在換個新家後
: 我完全無法預測Upton未來的成績
: 他現在很燙 但這跟一般進入暴衝期的打者完全不同
B.J. Upton在接下的77個打數中,打出了7HR!! (但也吞了22次三振,領到5次保送。)
下半季累計21轟(全MLB第三) 九月份累計12轟(全MLB第一)
Sep 30 CF B.J. Upton hit two homers Sunday, extending his career high total to
28, and giving him a chance for the first 30-30 season in Rays history. Upton
already has the 31 steals, and now has three games for two more homers.
"That would be pretty cool," he said.
B.J. Upton有機會成為光芒隊史上首位30-30的打者,他說:"那應該會很酷!"
Recommendation: Upton ending his afternoon 3-for-5 with three runs scored and
three RBI. With his 27th and 28th long balls, he further topped his career-high
mark, though he's also tallied another more dubious career high: 167 strikeouts
If he could ever curb his free-swinging ways, his career batting average of.255
could experience a modest upswing,but that appears unlikely for the 28-year-old
outfielder, who is what he is at this point in his career.
B.J. Upton同時在全壘打跟三振數上都創下個人新高,如果說他揮棒可以不要那麼豪邁
那他應該會有著比生涯打擊率0.255更漂亮的數字,但那不可能。 Upton being Upton!