RE24 (runs above average by the 24 base/out states): RE24 is the difference
in run expectancy (RE) between the start of the play and the end of the play.
That difference is then credited/debited to the batter and the pitcher. Over
the course of the season, each players’ RE24 for individual plays is added
up to get his season total RE24.
Calculation Example: In game 4 of the 2007 World Series, the RE for the Red
Sox to start the inning was .52. When Jacoby Ellsbury doubled off Aaron Cook
in the very first at-bat in the game, the Red Sox were then expected to score
1.15 runs for the rest of the inning. The difference or RE24 was .63 runs.
Ellsbury was credited +.63 runs and Aaron Cook credited with -.63 runs.
舉例: 一開賽得分期望值為0.52, Ellsbury 打一支二壘安打, 之後球隊的得分期望值
為1.15, 於是Ellsbury 可得到 1.15-0.52= 0.63 分
所以我有點懷疑 Dave Cameron 舉的例子到底正不正確
0.33的得分期望值打了一隻3 分全壘打, 之後球隊的得分期望值應該不是3, 因為
還有得分的機會, 這是小細節可以討論
重點是, 只要是數據都有盲點
1. Cabrera的 IBB有 17次, 而他的 batting average with RISP 有 0.356, 代表
原本可以有較高的分數, 因為敬遠只賺到一點
2. 作者有提到 Cabrera 多了23次 1+ runs, 因為長打較多, 而trout 靠避免雙殺
等對球隊有害的play追上甚至超前. 但我也可以解讀如果有較多次big plays,
一次灌好幾分, 是不是較可能直接讓球隊獲勝? 如果只是常常讓一壘有人變一二壘
有人,對球隊的獲勝較無貢獻? 因為這是期望值差而不是真正的得分