yisin (*@@*)
2012-10-18 17:53:10舊金山巨人 (SF) VS 聖路易紅雀 (STL) (1 : 3)
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http://goo.gl/GNR8L http://goo.gl/w06DF Lohse on facing Giants' lineup
http://goo.gl/oh33a http://goo.gl/zlZjd Lohse on new-look Cardinals
http://goo.gl/hRYI3 http://goo.gl/3cZ8x Lohse on starting Game 3
http://goo.gl/lqS8n http://goo.gl/hWXAq Matheny looks ahead to Game 3
http://goo.gl/yZyXw http://goo.gl/sR7u1 Matheny on Berkman's return
http://goo.gl/mFVby http://goo.gl/tRbr7 Cain looks ahead to Game 3 start
http://goo.gl/bzzFO http://goo.gl/LnFsJ Bochy looks ahead to Game 3
http://goo.gl/iX1qI http://goo.gl/pOfE1 Bochy talks Scutaro
http://goo.gl/VWJj8 http://goo.gl/R0CkP Matheny, Lohse on Game 3
http://goo.gl/dTMdM http://goo.gl/bLOZI Bochy on Beltran's prowess
http://goo.gl/R3RW0 http://goo.gl/K7Dv5 Bochy on what makes Cain special
http://goo.gl/q0uTg http://goo.gl/EavOb Cain on pitching Game 3
http://goo.gl/BSsKu http://goo.gl/wKK2d Bochy on the Holliday slide
http://goo.gl/UYgwx http://goo.gl/WGvqY Nichols on singing the anthem
http://goo.gl/13MjN http://goo.gl/OX3JI Blanco ready for Game 3
http://goo.gl/lO8Mo http://goo.gl/7D4wm Matheny excited to play at home
http://goo.gl/dnHD9 http://goo.gl/wu8Id Matheny on Wainwright's workload
http://goo.gl/fhKSE http://goo.gl/3LmVc Blanco on teammates' support
http://goo.gl/Hbt3W http://goo.gl/rIWiu Lopez escapes jam
http://goo.gl/4YRNa http://goo.gl/MOGRf Lohse on start, rain delay
http://goo.gl/jifGV http://goo.gl/qu15l Motte's six-out save
http://goo.gl/QoFVo http://goo.gl/hexVW Motte notches the save
http://goo.gl/zWIwt http://goo.gl/XA1Ge Carpenter on homer, win
http://goo.gl/Yqs72 http://goo.gl/hWTn0 Motte on six-out save
http://goo.gl/HOmAe http://goo.gl/d0cFF Carpenter's heads-up play
http://goo.gl/3mpi7 http://goo.gl/aVZzv Must C: Curtains
http://goo.gl/7hZ9d http://goo.gl/sqPHO Rick Carpenter on son's home run
http://goo.gl/mlUIz http://goo.gl/hyAid Cain's solid start
http://goo.gl/yBR1n http://goo.gl/RNyQk Lohse's solid start
http://goo.gl/vIvvk http://goo.gl/4SoC5 Rosenthal escapes jam
http://goo.gl/KCb1Z http://goo.gl/t1Rvd Carpenter's parents on Matt
http://goo.gl/1Ja0g http://goo.gl/oqfYL Robinson's RBI groundout
http://goo.gl/yMaQU http://goo.gl/UIYpO Wilson sings during stretch
http://goo.gl/lwb0A http://goo.gl/5DKsS Boggs gets two big strikeouts
http://goo.gl/uj9l7 http://goo.gl/EAcC2 Nichols performs national anthem
http://goo.gl/UMlzl http://goo.gl/szKXu Wainwright on Lohse's pitching
http://goo.gl/TBA88 http://goo.gl/gqTUC Sandoval's diving stop
http://goo.gl/470VF http://goo.gl/QmjRG Descalso turns two
http://goo.gl/5NNQb http://goo.gl/efP7G Scutaro's third-inning double
http://goo.gl/rh3rq http://goo.gl/lZWNk Carpenter's two-run homer
http://goo.gl/XYGRr http://goo.gl/00ZGl Beltran's injury
http://goo.gl/T6StA http://goo.gl/d8IfO Sandoval's RBI groundout
http://goo.gl/Ymwtc http://goo.gl/8pbFT Cards turn two
http://goo.gl/ep3E3 http://goo.gl/6wmrU Scutaro starts double play
http://goo.gl/NOkgD http://goo.gl/ZND5S Holliday wishes Scutaro well
http://goo.gl/lsOcy http://goo.gl/Mcz9E Matheny discusses Game 3 win
http://goo.gl/GTT4U http://goo.gl/mZbmM Must C: Clutch
http://goo.gl/0b1C2 http://goo.gl/nLQKI Carpenter on his big performance
http://goo.gl/aT7Xl http://goo.gl/PAOLH Bochy on Game 3 loss
http://goo.gl/xk6tQ http://goo.gl/3lCfI Bochy on Carpenter's home run
http://goo.gl/i0WVe http://goo.gl/8LAoi Bochy on Game 3 rain delay
http://goo.gl/dEESI http://goo.gl/iPlGL Bochy on Scutaro's return
http://goo.gl/wBSkT http://goo.gl/zq2GS Bochy on Lincecum's Game 4 start
http://goo.gl/MYGtk http://goo.gl/BcSQl Matheny on Beltran's knee injury
http://goo.gl/MSl4L http://goo.gl/qetC1 Carpenter on parents' long trek
http://goo.gl/1TdgZ http://goo.gl/9uz3m Carpenter on home run off Cain
http://goo.gl/k3R44 http://goo.gl/22mkJ Pence on his struggles in Game 3
http://goo.gl/YnQEr http://goo.gl/Seywo Matheny on Carpenter's ability
http://goo.gl/yDOXM http://goo.gl/Yl4I9 Giants on Game 3 loss
http://goo.gl/5gGiP http://goo.gl/uPXc3 Rain stops play in Game 3
http://goo.gl/8pM26 http://goo.gl/SEQio Cardinals on Game 3 win
http://goo.gl/8mx7a http://goo.gl/9bHt0 Broken bat almost hits ball boys
http://goo.gl/PcUzU http://goo.gl/9H8MM Road to the World Series
http://goo.gl/Gnoc0 http://goo.gl/iGfpD Recap: SF 1, STL 3 NLCS Gm3
http://goo.gl/HyBJl http://goo.gl/RsNdO Analysis of Giants' offense
http://goo.gl/BLwXg http://goo.gl/c9Khs Kyle Lohse on Game 3 win
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http://goo.gl/Gnoc0 http://goo.gl/iGfpD Recap: SF 1, STL 3 NLCS Gm3
http://goo.gl/K2ZXs http://goo.gl/0BOhc 2012-10-18 Top 5 Plays of the Day
http://goo.gl/wmJVo http://goo.gl/VsMMN 2012-10-17 Top 10 Plays of the Week
http://goo.gl/VIXID http://goo.gl/Hco1F 2012-10-18 快速掃描
http://goo.gl/HCx9u http://goo.gl/dw4Qn 2012-10-18 守備精華