本想慢點貼上來.. 沒想到再不貼就來不及了..
Baseball has been known to decide the presidential election. From 1952
to 1976, the theory that if an American League team won the most recent World
Series the Republican candidate would win the presidency. There was a wonky
stretch of four wrong predictions in five cycles between 1980 and 1996, but
the past three elections have abided by the playbook.
In all, 11 of the past 15 elections were correctly predicted by the winner
of the World Series.
簡單講, 美國總統大選與同年的世界大賽有很大的關聯性,
美聯冠軍贏下世界大賽的話, 有很高的比例共和黨會拿下總統大選的勝利.
這樣的事 從 1952 年開始的十五個樣本裡, 發生了十一次.
國聯巨人身在深藍的加州, 看來幫了民主黨一個大忙...