Re: [情報] Cubs Agree To Sign Anibal Sanchez?

作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-12-14 22:12:18
※ 引述《hunterqiji (hunter)》之銘言:
: Cubs Agree To Sign Anibal Sanchez
: By Mark Polishuk [December 13, 2012 at 4:50pm CST]
: The Cubs have signed free agent Anibal Sanchez to a five-year contract, reports
: Bob Nightengale of USA Today. The deal could be worth $75MM, reports FOX
: Sports' Ken Rosenthal, who said earlier today that the two sides were close to
: a deal.
: update:
: 5:08pm: The deal is not yet complete, as Sanchez's agent Gene Mato tells CBS
: Sports' Jon Heyman that he is still talking to other teams. Sources tell
: Heyman that the Tigers are still "very much in [the] mix." (both links to
: Twitter)
: 最新的消息是還沒有達成deal,仍有變數
FRIDAY, 8:03am: The Cubs have increased their offer to $77.5MM, Ken Rosenthal
of FOX Sports reports (on Twitter). The Tigers have offered the right-hander
THURSDAY, 10:45pm: Sanchez won't make a decision tonight and will continue
talking with both the Cubs and Tigers tomorrow, reports Bob Nightengale
(via Twitter).
6:10pm: If the Tigers do top the Cubs' offer, USA Today's Bob Nightengale
says Sanchez will sign with Detroit, thus seemingly shutting the Cubs out of
a chance to counter. The Tigers had offered a four-year contract to Sanchez,
Nightengale says, and CBS Sports' Danny Knobler adds that Detroit was believed
to be hesitant to go to five years for Sanchez (both Twitter links).
5:57pm: The Tigers are being given a "last chance" to match the Cubs' offer,
reports Bob Nightengale. The Cubs thought they had a done deal with Sanchez.
5:08pm: The deal is not yet complete, as Sanchez's agent Gene Mato tells CBS
Sports' Jon Heyman that he is still talking to other teams. Sources tell
Heyman that the Tigers are still "very much in [the] mix." (both links to
更新一下 小熊稍微提高價碼了5年77.5M
這麼欣賞Anibal Sanchez 把他重建的基石?
8:16am: The Cubs are out on Sanchez and the Tigers look like they'll win the
bidding for him, Jon Heyman of reports (Twitter links). Heyman
suggests that the Tigers are positioned to sign Sanchez, barring a
last-minute mystery team.
再更新 小熊出局了 老虎即將簽下
The Tigers have agreed to sign free agent right-hander Anibal Sanchez to a
five-year, $80MM contract, Bob Nightengale of USA Today reports (on Twitter).
Agent Gene Mato represents Sanchez, who agrees to terms with Detroit one day
after coming close to a deal with the Cubs.
最後更新 即將以5年80M簽下
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:23:00
作者: aibakoji (廢柴打線抖抖牛棚)   2012-02-14 22:26:00
作者: zyx12320 (zyx12320)   2012-02-14 22:26:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 22:27:00
Anibal Sanchez好像有傷痛史?
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 22:32:00
就算價錢一樣(或差一點)老虎還是佔優勢吧 畢竟百年短期
作者: khopesh (Horus)   2012-02-14 22:33:00
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 22:33:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:36:00
雖然我不覺得有沒有季後賽會是很大的吸引因素 但真要討論
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 22:36:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:37:00
可是小熊卻能提供打破魔咒 史上留名的機會 有如當年血襪
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:38:00
真想當"季後賽英雄" 小熊的吸引力不比老虎差 甚至更好
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 22:39:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 22:39:00
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:40:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 22:40:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:40:00
季只每年都有 但是破咒只有在小熊
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:41:00
作者: bensn101 (MAN)   2012-02-14 22:41:00
…季後賽還可以這樣分阿 那去海盜不是更好?
作者: TheoEpstein (Cubs)   2012-02-14 22:42:00
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 22:43:00
作者: bensn101 (MAN)   2012-02-14 22:43:00
海盜連二十年不到五成勝率 小熊都看不到車尾燈
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:43:00
那15年還沒到啊(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 22:44:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:44:00
海盜又沒有歷史級魔咒 怎跟小熊比? 等三四十年後出現個
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 22:44:00
總要布局啊,誰說15年你就能去 XD
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 22:45:00
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:46:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:46:00
現在趁小熊還弱的時加入 等強勝之後就是老大了若是等小熊強勝後才加入 那就只是抱大腿的行為 從"英雄"
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 22:47:00
的角度看 這兩者地位大不相同
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 22:47:00
應該要去"義大犀龍牛" 創隊第一年拿中職總冠軍,更屌
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:47:00
作者: Holokeu (Holokeu)   2012-02-14 22:49:00
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 22:53:00
芝加哥是市,伊利諾才是州。 這樣是歐巴馬的發跡路?
作者: bigpujols (最近很不順)   2012-02-14 22:55:00
作者: bigpujols (最近很不順)   2012-02-14 22:56:00
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 22:56:00
abc這篇才是真的在釣魚,其他時候滿正常的 XD
作者: Holokeu (Holokeu)   2012-02-14 22:58:00
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 22:58:00
更新一下 Tigers To Sign Anibal Sanchez
作者: MrStrong (野球小子 )   2012-02-14 23:01:00
作者: adsl50208 (風玄)   2012-02-14 23:01:00
作者: MrStrong (野球小子 )   2012-02-14 23:02:00
作者: alex710707 (PonWei)   2012-02-14 23:02:00
已更新 感謝提醒
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 23:02:00
會吧? 只是abc大的講法也太扯
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 23:05:00
是嗎? 我記得當初Theo就是用可以破咒的說法來說服
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 23:06:00
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 23:06:00
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 23:13:00
作者: MrStrong (野球小子 )   2012-02-14 23:14:00
作者: whalelover (哞哞哞哞王)   2012-02-14 23:14:00
可是現在老虎是美中龍頭 百年是國中爐主(太空人走了)..
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 23:14:00
不過Schilling加入不只破咒吧 和嚼嚼也有關
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 23:15:00
作者: tonyselina (叫聲拔拔)   2012-02-14 23:16:00
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 23:16:00
隊友? 小熊現在的老大就是幫紅襪破咒的Theo阿 前幾年可能
作者: abc12812   2012-02-14 23:17:00
還不行 但後幾年有Theo操盤 何愁沒有好隊友加入?
作者: cd12631 (<(◥█◤△◥█◤)>)   2012-02-14 23:18:00
我覺得今年的FA還沒辦法以此引誘 Theo至少再操盤一年明後年Theo可能就可以吸引更多人
作者: Zamned (Как дела?)   2012-02-14 23:37:00
Theo說自由球員很愛小熊呢 詢問度很高歐
作者: maikxz (超級痛痛人)   2012-02-15 02:21:00

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