※ 引述《frankchou (賢介)》之銘言:
: 日本新聞:http://ppt.cc/_rzU
: 新聞寫松井秀喜決定現役引退,會在紐約開記者會
: 話說昨天新聞才報導松井這幾天會表明自己動態
: 日職也有複數球團想網羅他,例如老東家讀賣巨人
: 另外因為現今球界世代交替的現狀,所以也有宣佈退休的可能
: 沒想到這麼快就決定且是決定要退休
: 在這裡也和松井說聲辛苦了
Time magazine的描述:
And, of course, he likes to watch his much vaunted porno collection, tapes
that he often trades with Japanese reporters. As one Japanese journalist put
it, describing Matsui's affinity for such unique Japanese cultural
institutions like the no-panties shabu-shabu in Japan, "Matsui is a horny
guy. All of us are horny, more or less. But Matsui doesn't attempt to hide
the fact." Yet another win for the Japanese Everyman.
當然 他喜歡看他驚人的收藏 那些他常和日本記者交換的片子 一位日本記者這樣描述
"松井是個紳士 我們大家或多或少都是紳士 但松井是誠實的紳士"
The owner of 55,000 adult vids, Matsui ran out of gifts for writers at his
first American press event. "Sorry," he said, "I'll get porn for the rest of
身為55000張片子的擁有者 松井在美國第一次的記者會時把小禮物發光了
"對不起" 他說 "剩下的我會拿片子做為補償"
延伸閱讀: 松井真的能看完55000片嗎?