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Yahoo sports的報導
Ryan Braun的名字在一家提供PED的診所的名單上出現
Yahoo Sports說他們已經拿到三個醫療紀錄上面有Braun的名字
在名單上的還有A-Rod, Francisco Cervelli, Danny Valencia和Cesar Carillo
而筆記上寫的RB 20-30K 是指Braun欠他的顧問費
Braun並說"除此之外我和Bosch並無任何關係 我會全力配合調查"
Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun's name is listed in the records of
the Miami-based anti-aging clinic that allegedly provided
performance-enhancing drugs to multiple baseball players, Yahoo! Sports
reported Tuesday.
Braun's name, however, is not listed next to any specific PEDs, according to
Yahoo! Sports. The Miami New Times reported last week the Biogenesis clinic
distributed banned substances to several high-profile players, including New
York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez.
Yahoo! Sports claimed that it has obtained three Biogenesis records that show
Braun's name. Braun is on a list that includes Rodriguez, Melky Cabrera,
Francisco Cervelli, Danny Valencia and Cesar Carrillo, the website reported.
Braun tested positive for elevated testosterone levels in 2011, the year he
was named National League MVP.
But the five-time All-Star appealed the result of the test and avoided a
suspension when an arbitration panel upheld the appeal, ruling there were
questions with how Braun's sample had been handled.
Major League Baseball officials have asked the Miami News Times for the
records the newspaper obtained for last week's report. Miami New Times editor
Chuck Strouse said Tuesday the paper had not yet decided how to respond,
describing MLB's move as a request and noting the league does not have legal
subpoena power.
Notebooks belonging to Biogenesis founder Anthony Bosch and other logs
describe PED regimens for Rodriguez, Cabrera, Gio Gonzalez, Nelson Cruz and
others from 2009 to 2012.