mrkey (è·é›¢å¤ªé æ€å¿µå¤ªè¿‘)
2013-04-11 12:43:18http://es.pn/YMmNA6
Goat's head sent to Wrigley Field
A goat's head was delivered to Wrigley Field on Wednesday addressed to
Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts, a team spokesman confirmed.
No note was included, and it was turned over to Chicago police.
"We got a call at 2:30 p.m., responding to 1060 West Addison, Wrigley Field,"
a Chicago Police Department spokesman said. "We're investigating it as an
intimidating package."
The package was found at Gate K near the field, the team spokesman told the
Chicago Tribune.
It's possible the goat's head is in reference to a "curse" placed on the team
during the 1945 World Series. Restaurant owner Billy Sianis brought his goat
to a game, but was asked to leave and he vowed the team would never win again.
The Cubs lost that series and have never been back. They last won a
championship in 1908, the longest drought in professional sports.
The Cubs are currently locked in a tense negotiation with the city and
neighborhood regarding the renovation of Wrigley Field and the desire to play
more night games. A deal was hoped to have been reached by the start of the
regular season but is still being negotiated.
簡單翻譯...有人把一頭羊的頭放在一個包裹裡, 然後直接放在
Wrigley Field 的 Gate K 門口, 上面署名給 Cubs 老闆 Tom Ricketts.
Goat 和 Cubs 有相當深的淵源, 懶得在這裡解釋,
詳情請看 http://bit.ly/14Zbs2P