ewayne (ec)
2013-05-11 01:33:08※ 引述《Sparksfly (火光飛舞)》之銘言:
: 標題: [外電] 裁判,可以讓人這樣換了又換換了又換嗎?
: 時間: Fri May 10 20:07:27 2013
: 原文連結:http://tinyurl.com/d8l2ytl
: 影片連結:http://tinyurl.com/burx2ur
: 粉絲團連結:http://tinyurl.com/d4sjuxy(不喜勿入)
: 繼昨天運動家的追平轟被沒收以後,今天天使與太空人一戰又起了爭議
: 讓我們還原一下事發過程:
: with the Angels batting with two on and two out in the seventh inning
: Thursday, the Astros went to bring in left-hander Wesley Wright to face
: left-hander J.B. Shuck. The Angels promptly countered with right-handed
: hitting Luis Jimenez.
: And then the Astros suddenly countered with right-hander Hector Ambriz.
: 七局上半兩出局,天使攻佔一二壘,此時太空人決定要用左手牛Wesley Wright入替
: 已經中繼了1.2局的Paul Clemens,讓Wright來面對左打的J.B. Shuck,看到這樣的情況
: ,天使非常自然地把Shuck換掉,讓右打的Luis Jimenez來面對左投的Wright
: 就在此時,太空人竟又換了投手,讓右手牛Hector Ambriz入替Wright
: 等等,好像哪裡怪怪的?
: 天使教頭Mike Scioscia也覺得怪怪的,哪有人可以這樣換了又換換了又換啊?
: 讓我們看看規則3.05:
: (規則直連:http://tinyurl.com/cx9464s)
: (b) If the pitcher is replaced, the substitute pitcher shall pitch to the
: batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or
: reaches first base, or until the offensive team is put out, unless the
: substitute pitcher sustains injury or illness which, in the umpire-in-chief
: judgment, incapacitates him for further play as a pitcher.
: 比賽中任何被中途換上的投手,若按規則來,至少要面對完一個打席(或製造一個出局數
: )才能被換下,除非中間有出事情,比如受傷啦,才不受此限
: 那麼問題來了,這規則你知、我知、說瞎知、猴子也知,Wright看起來也身體健康活跳跳,
: 所以說瞎提出的抗議應該非常合理,結果呢?
: 結果主審Fieldin Culbreth不鳥他!!並沒有接受他的抗議
: 讓Bo Porter(太空人教頭)順利換了投手