推 Carmelo3:有夠沒品 還開心就好咧 05/11 10:27
→ Carmelo3:RogerWaters大大沒有興趣翻譯這篇 05/11 10:28
推 amyer:RogerWaters:看來案情真的是一點都不單純... 05/11 11:06
即便就算有90%的投手都在用防曬油加滑石粉, 來增加握球...
也不會證明用防曬油就是可以的, 就是不違法的, 那要不要下次放一罐在投手丘旁
那塗凡士林在手上, 可不可以呢??
就算90%的投手都用了, 那沒用的10%呢?
Jeff Passan的報導表示: "投手們不認為這是作弊??"
問題是那是用的投手們認為不是在作弊, 但依棒球規則呢??? 用異物就是犯規
如果大家認為用防曬油不是作弊, 要不要請記者問他Buchholz手臂那團亮亮的是什麼,
如果Jeff Passan說的都是對的, 怎麼不敢列名是那些投手在用防曬油呢???
90 percent of pitchers are using spray-on sunscreen, Buchholz-style
Craig Calcaterra May 8, 2013, 3:30 PM EDT
Jeff Passan picks up the thread Dirk Hayhurst and Jack Morris pulled last
week regarding Clay Buchholz‘s start against the Jays and accusations that
he was doctoring the ball:
Two veteran pitchers and one source close to the Red Sox told Yahoo! Sports
that about 90 percent of major league pitchers use some form of spray-on
sunscreen – almost always BullFrog brand – that when combined with powdered
rosin gives them a far superior grip on the ball … one source close to the
Red Sox confirmed the team’s pitchers almost all rely on sunscreen for
better grip on finicky balls, particularly in cold, bad weather.
It seems almost certain, based on what Passan’s sources are telling him,
that yes, Buchholz was applying a foreign substance to the ball last week.
But it also seems certain, based on what Passan’s sources are telling him,
that almost all pitchers do it and, really, no one cares.
Which I think does matter when talk about the nature of all of this. How much
it matters I don’t know. If the Blue Jays were willing to look the other way
— and they were, probably because their pitchers do the same damn thing — I
’m not sure where the mandate to start inspecting every pitcher’s arm comes
from, even if applying Bull Frog to the ball is a violation of a clear rule.
Of course, I’ve been trying to tell people for years that, while against the
rules, players using PEDs was maybe something more complex than anti-PED gang
was willing to admit given its pervasive and open use. Doesn’t make it
right. Doesn’t make it legal. But does provide some context with which
reasonable people should maybe use in order to filter their outrage and with
which to determine just how sharp those pitchforks should be.
So: any of those folks willing to take the “I don’t care if everyone is
doing it and it’s ‘just part of the game,’ Buchholz is a cheating cheater
who cheats” tack here? I’m not gonna hold my breath for it, but please,
let me know if you feel that way.
※ 引述《andy880036s (中信魚京云鬼!!)》之銘言:
: 道歉囉~
: Jack Morris apologizes to Clay Buchholz
: Jack Morris sought out Clay Buchholz, told him he was sorry he took attention
: away from him. Said that was not his intent. "We're cool.''
: More Morris: Black Jack said he advised Buch "to have fun with it.'' Said
: Jack: As long as we're cool, I don't care what anyone else thinks