Cubs DFA Carlos Marmol; Release Ian Stewart, Call up Bryan Bogusevic
The Cubs made their long awaiting roster move. As expected, the Cubs dropped
a pitcher to add an outfielder but the surprise was that the Cubs finally cut
the cord with Carlos Marmol and did the right thing by rewarding Brian
Bogusevic, who has been tearing it up at AAA Iowa. He was hitting
.319/.418/.512 with 10 HRs and 15 SBs.
The Cubs also released Ian Stewart, whose feat was sealed pretty much since
the day he was DFA'd and told that the Cubs were going to put the future
first. Stewart chose to stick around anyway, keep the money, and then grow
frustrated to the point where he set out a series of tweets that
fast-forwarded the end of his Cubs career.
Congrats to Brian Bogusevic, who very much deserved this call up. The easy
thing to do would have been to call up Dave Sappelt but the fact that the
Cubs pretty much went out of their way not to do that may signal that the
team is souring on him as well.
小熊DFA馬毛,並釋出日前放話嗆教練的前三壘大物Ian Stewart
另外拉上了外野手Brian Bogusevic