消息來源: http://0rz.tw/vyLvK
By T.R. Sullivan / MLB.com | 7/27/2013 3:58 P.M. ET
Scheppers assaulted Thursday night in Cleveland
Reliever sustained contusion and bruise on left eye
條子潛力牛棚新秀 Tanner Scheppers 週四晚間在Cleveland市區被揍
沒有防備的他導致左眼黑青腫脹(熊貓眼)..... 一群小混混幹的好事.....
he was "sucker-punched" by a group of young men on a downtown
Cleveland street Thursday night.
Scheppers was a few blocks from the team hotel going to get something to
eat when he ran into the group. Scheppers said he was punched in the
eye and went hard to the ground. The assailants then scattered and
did not rob him.
只是出外旅館吃個飯就遇上倒楣事.... 被揍倒在地上...但是財物沒被搶....
The police were called, but a report was not filed. Scheppers was checked out
medically and was cleared of any symptoms of a concussion.
He did experience a headache on Friday and was unavailable to pitch in the
Rangers' 11-8 loss to the Indians.
報警了但是還沒有來自警方的調查報告..... 診斷後確認沒有腦震盪症狀.....
夜晚問題多......作客Cleveland請結伴同行..... Tanner保重
放肆火 + 冉伯牛表示: