※ 引述《simonown (白羊與蛾)》之銘言:
: 這星期二勇士跟國民的系列賽,Julio Teheran 五局下第一球就砸了 Bryce Harper
: 導致板凳清空,球員全部一湧而上
: (起因可能是 Harper 前一個打席打了全壘打之後目送+甩棒的動作)
: 影片:http://wapc.mlb.com/play/?content_id=29470911
本日勇士國民系列戰第一場,回到勇士主場,Harper 再度成為全場焦點
HBP: Harper (by Wood), Harper (by Avilan).
Harper 第一個打席打出 double,四局上第二個打席一上來
第一球就被勇士菜鳥 Alex Wood 砸中背,77 mph 的曲球
Harper 看來尚可,上一壘時還跟 Freeman 有說有笑
八局上 Harper 再上來,1:2 落後二壘有人
同樣第一球被 Avilan 砸中靠近脖子旁的左手臂,92 mph 速球
Harper 看來不太爽,Freeman 同樣想跟他攀談,但是 Harper 面無表情
主審很快對兩邊都提出警告,Fredi 也迅速把 Avilan 換下場
(BTW,Avilan 得到全場球迷 standing ovation...)
隨後 Werth 上來打出安打追平比數,2:2 平手(最後十局下 J. Upton 再見陽春砲)
Avilan 表示:
那時候我們 2:1 領先,我當然不希望把超前分送上壘
"I feel bad for him, especially because I don't want to hit him in that part
of the body. It was a bad day for me," Avilan said. "I was thinking, 'I hope
he doesn't think I hit him on purpose.' You know the situation. We were
leading, 2-1. I don't want to put the [go-ahead] run at first. I feel bad. If
I'm going to hit him on purpose, I'm not going to hit him almost in his head
because it's dangerous."
Davey Johnson 說:
第一次 Harper 被丟是個變化球,那顯然不是故意的
"I hope not because it's ridiculous. A close ballgame. They have a lot more
to lose than we do at this point. So it would be a ridiculous thing to be
“After he got hit the second time, (Foster) should’ve thrown him out of the
ballgame,” Johnson said of Avilan. “But it’s their choice.”
“One time (Harper) got hit with a breaking ball, so that’s obviously not an
intent to throw,” Johnson said. “And in that situation, they had their best
left-hander out there. For him to hit in the neck, it doesn’t make a whole
lot of sense.”
這是 Harper 對上勇士最近兩場比賽第二、第三次被砸
本季之前 Harper 合計只被觸身球兩次,生涯前 221 場只有四次觸身球
而 Bryce Harper 本人拒絕做出任何回應。