Ichiro joins select group with 4,000th hit
副標: Outfielder singles off Dickey for milestone two-country achievement
Ichiro has pointed out that he hit for a higher average (.353) in Japan but
amassed more hits per season in the Majors, averaging 217 in his first 12
years. Part of that is because NPB teams play 135-game schedules, compared to
162 in the Majors.
"I didn't have 4,000 hits in my whole career, and you can go back to tee
ball," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "To me, it's an unbelievable feat,
and he's some kind of hitter."
Ichiro said that he does not have Rose's 4,256 on his radar, but he does have
a hit total in mind.
With 4,000 career hits now crossed off the to-do list, Ichiro can now turn
his focus to joining the 3,000-hit club in the Majors. He sits just 278 hits
shy of that achievement, and is under contract with the Yankees through the
2014 season.
"I think that's a goal that is easier to make," Ichiro said. "Nobody will say
anything about 3,000. There will be no debating from any fans or media."
NYY全部球員跑出休息室恭喜他!! Ichiro~~