Re: [問題] 今日洋基金鶯戰,Rivera勝投?

作者: ypw (橙黃橘綠秋心不已)   2013-09-13 14:22:34
※ 引述《charliee (Double E)》之銘言:
: 以下摘錄台灣棒球維基
: ======================
: 勝投投手的認定
: 該投手為勝利投手記錄。但該後援投手投球時間短暫,且成效不佳,則不給予勝利
: 投手記錄,而接替他出場之後援投手,為保持領先而有充分且優異表現者,應給予
: 勝利投手記錄。
: 如果這規則跟現行MLB的規則沒有出入的話
: 對於今天的勝投,我過去的認知是C項中的第二點
: 但記錄組似乎引用的是第四點
: 不知道各位的意見如何
: 還請指教
(c) The official scorer shall not credit as the
winning pitcher a relief pitcher who is ineffective
in a brief appearance, when at least one succeeding
relief pitcher pitches effectively in helping his
team maintain its lead. In such a case, the official scorer
shall credit as the winning pitcher the succeeding
relief pitcher who was most effective,
in the judgment of the official scorer.
Rule 10.17(c) Comment: The official scorer generally should,
but is not required to, consider the appearance of a
relief pitcher to be ineffective and brief
if such relief pitcher pitches less than one inning
and allows two or more earned runs to score
(even if such runs are charged to a previous pitcher).
Rule 10.17(b) Comment provides guidance on choosing the
winning pitcher from among several succeeding relief pitchers.
在小於1局的投球下 責失兩分以上(前任投手留下的也算)
比較神奇的是 這次Rob完成了一局還是被引用這條了
作者: su43123 (無與倫比美麗的妳)   2013-09-13 14:29:00
作者: ypw (橙黃橘綠秋心不已)   2013-09-13 14:34:00
呵 這條算是自由心證的條款吧 注釋也說定義並非必要
作者: ypw (橙黃橘綠秋心不已)   2013-09-13 14:36:00
官網也確認了 scorer gives Mo win, not save
作者: epw (Epw)   2013-09-13 20:36:00
!!!! 你好,我是epw XD.....

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