※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《krajicek (回憶比真實精彩)》之銘言:
: : 簡單地說,就是新科超級盃冠軍四分衛Russell Wilson,對於參加遊騎兵春訓似乎
: : 很有意願,而且已經透過他棒球這部份的經紀人詢問其可能性。
: : 當然海鷹會不會同意他去?這是一個問題,現在距離遊騎兵開訓的日期剩下兩個多
: : 星期(美國時間2/19)。所以就讓我們看看到時是不是真的會看到Wilson出現囉!
: : P.S:另外他那張棒球的球員卡現在大概也水漲船高了吧!
: 同時打過MLB和NFL的球員
: 最有名的就是版上很紅的5-Hour-Energy
: 他也是唯一入選過MLB和NFL明星賽的球員
: 在NFL最大牌的大概是Deion Sanders
: 在NFL一堆紀錄並入選Pro Football/College Football HOF
: 在MLB混最好的應該是Brian Jordan
: 上古神獸? Jim Thorpe?
: 同時打過兩聯盟 入選Pro Football/College Football HOF
: 還拿下奧運五項/十項全能雙料金牌
: 應該是史上最驚人的體能怪物之一吧
Russell Wilson has made it official, he will report to camp with the Texas
Rangers on March 3.
Wilson tweeted a picture of himself holding up a Rangers jersey on Thursday.
The Rangers have not completely planned out what Wilson will do. However, Jon
Daniels said Wilson will likely be added to the Major League Spring Training
roster and have a locker in the big league clubhouse.
Texas selected Wilson in the Minor League phase of the Rule 5 Draft at the
Winter Meetings last December. The Rangers paid $12,000 to take him from the
Colorado Rockies organization, where he was a Minor League infielder in