※ 引述《EEERRIICC (魯蛇觀止)》之銘言:
: 今天的Salazar
: 3.2IP 5ER 10K
: 被白襪打爆了
: 但除了Eaton衝二壘被刺殺 其他通通三振
: 其實也不是特別熟
: 只知道他去年下半季被叫上來還蠻殺的
: 有一顆95up的火球 犀利的變速跟滑球
: 控球還不太穩
: 沒辦法有效率的讓打者出局
: 不曉得這位年輕新秀的評價如何
: 天花板不知道長怎樣?
According to the Elias Sports Bureau, Salazar is the first pitcher in the
modern era (since 1900) to reach 10 strikeouts in a start under four innings.
Seriously. That has never happened before tonight. It’s an interesting
footnote, but he’d surely rather have a more efficient outing and the