uranusjr (â†é€™äººæ˜¯è¶…級笨蛋)
2014-04-13 13:43:18※ 引述《sean0000 (三餐都吃泡麵)》之銘言:
: 大家好
: 小弟是天龍蛇
: 想請問一下
: 大聯盟可不可以只用24個人
: 當然這當中有可能是為了省錢
: 或是找不到夠格的人上大聯盟等等
: 如果一定要填滿25人名單的話
: 史上有沒有出現過只是為了填名單
: 而讓某位球員在大聯盟名單
: 但是開季七場以上了,甚至整季
: 都沒讓這位選手上場
: 就這樣真的只是roster filler的角色
: 有這方面的專家能幫小弟解答一下嗎?
The 40-man roster:
A Club's 40-man roster is a list of all the players currently reserved by
a Club at the Major League level. The Major League Rules permit each Club
to reserve a maximum of 40 players (excluding players on the 60-day disabled
list) at any one time. From September 1 through the end of the season the
entire 40-man roster is eligible to play for the Club at the Major League
level. From Opening Day through August 31, however, a Club may use only 25
of its 40 players in the Majors.
所以 40 人和 25 人都只是上限, 不需要填滿
找不到正式規則的檔案, 以下來自 The Biz of Baseball
2008 年版的大聯盟規章
裡面可以明顯看到只有規定 maximum