[情報] Diamondbacks DFA Trevor Cahill

作者: searoar (暗坑大豆)   2014-06-10 13:20:38
Now 26, Cahill came to Arizona from the Athletics (along with Craig Breslow)
back in December of 2011. The Diamondbacks gave up a significant haul to
acquire his rights, parting with Jarrod Parker, Collin Cowgill, and Ryan
Cook. While Cowgill has moved on from Oakland, both Parker and Cook are key
parts of the club’s staff.
Less than a year before he was dealt, Cahill had signed a five-year, $30.5MM
pact with Oakland.
The contract, which includes successive club options for 2016-17, guarantees
Cahill the rest of his $7.7MM salary this year as well as $12.3MM for 2015
and a buyout.
Though he has options available, as a veteran with over five years of service
time to his name, Cahill would need to agree to any assignment from the D’
backs – and would not sacrifice future salary if he declines.
20M的敗處? Joe BLanton:XD
作者: remix999 (Wayne)   2014-06-10 13:24:00
靠 以前運動家的王牌內...
作者: ccf0423 (揮揮衣袖,兩袖清風)   2014-06-10 13:25:00
作者: tony123839 (~tony~)   2014-06-10 13:25:00
今年成績是有點爛,但還不到要被釋出的地步吧= =好歹前幾年都有實績在............
作者: gn02530640   2014-06-10 13:30:00
沒被釋出啦,Cahill 自己也已經同意被下放到小聯盟了他今年似乎只是有點衰,缺SP的球隊或許可以跟蛇蛇討論
作者: kobeslaker (It's the end to me)   2014-06-10 13:35:00
作者: Sizemore24 (newborn in Tampa)   2014-06-10 13:50:00
還是有差,目前變成 RP 角色後表現也不穩定。
作者: mcshang (mcshang)   2014-06-10 13:58:00
作者: Phater (肥特)   2014-06-10 14:16:00
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2014-06-10 14:44:00
想當初我說他FIP過高 有人還跟我戰說他會進步不過我也沒想到他會爛掉
作者: lowl99 (╭∩╮_(︶︿︶)_╭∩╮ )   2014-06-10 14:54:00
作者: andynanpa (半個月亮)   2014-06-10 14:56:00
明年還有12M+後年buyout, 蛇蛇要交易難度也頗高吧- -
作者: pikachu123 (pika)   2014-06-10 14:59:00
綠帽好像也沒多賺 主菜痛痛人化 賺到RP
作者: shadowshaikh   2014-06-10 16:25:00
作者: gt12345 (Zpon)   2014-06-10 17:17:00
作者: fan0226 (YI)   2014-06-10 17:51:00
作者: GodUareTall (肚子好餓)   2014-06-10 21:50:00
越看MLB越覺得曾經的王牌都有種落寞感 看看Lincecum好希望他們都能復活阿~
作者: EEERRIICC (大尾魯蛇)   2014-06-10 23:52:00
這個殞落的有點扯 去到蛇蛇感覺越調越差
作者: leo5678992 (LeoChen)   2014-06-11 00:28:00
原本以為cahill 會變王牌的

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