前幾天跟朋友討論陳俊秀在小聯盟的球探報告, 提到他是一種"slider bat speed"
打者, 特色是對於內角速球苦手, slider speed bet (struggles against good
velocity and there is some concern that he possesses a “slider speed” bat.)
(來源是球探報告http://ppt.cc/O3RV ,
這邊可以找到四篇報告的連結 http://ppt.cc/O3RV )
batspeed.com 說The term slider speed bat might
be used to describe those who do not apply the rotational method properly.
(連結為: http://www.batspeed.com/messageboard/26986.html )
另外有看到一篇有趣的報告, 是關於Jose Abreu的, 球探認為他"slider bat speed",
可能快速球苦手, 但他並沒這問題, 而且對變化球打得不差
When the White Sox signed Jose Abreu to a six-year, $68 million deal over the
winter, some scouts wondered whether the Cuban slugger merely possessed “
slider bat speed.” According to that theory, the former Cienfuegos star and
World Baseball Classic hero would struggle to turn on high-and-tight
fastballs crowding his 6-foot-3, 255 pound frame. Eleven games into his big
league career, Abreu hasn’t had many opportunities to prove scouts wrong.
But one thing’s clear: there’s nothing wrong with his bat against breaking
(連結: http://ppt.cc/rfKo )
有大大們能提出關於slider bat speed更具體的細節嗎? 形成的原因, 以及為何