※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Homura (虎斑街貓˙Rebirth)》之銘言:
: : https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/541683206672498689
: : http://0rz.tw/esxCL
: : 韓職耐克森英雄球星姜正浩預計將在這禮拜被post
: : 綠帽、梅子、老人等球隊都對他有興趣
: : 綠帽和梅子希望他能夠扛下游擊,老人則可能將姜放在二或三壘
: : 姜在韓職九個球季總共出賽901場
: : 留下.298/.382/.502外加138轟
: : 2014年球季堪稱是姜的生涯年,打擊三圍.356/.459/.739外加40轟
: : 在長打率及OPS項目領先全聯盟,堪稱是今年韓職最具代表性的打者之一
: : 來到米國之後,會有怎樣的成績呢 - -
: 小結論:
: 預期價 30-40M (低於這個的話很可能大賺一筆)
: 合理價 50-60M (柳胖合約+入札總值)
原文是對於今年KBO三個有機會的選手(金廣炫 梁玄種 姜正浩)做了入札金的估算
Due to Kang’s raw tools and the past history of the posting system for
everyday Major League players coming from Asia, I expect Kang’s posting fee
to be in the $6-9 million range. Also remember, the New York Yankees signed
Korean amateur shortstop Hyo-Jun Park this season. I doubt that when the
Yankees were scouting Park thoroughly, they neglected to watch Kang play. If
the Yankees get a bid in for Kang, I believe that a bid of $10 million is
attainable. If I had to pick a single number, I would guess the highest bid
for Kang will be $7 million.
Ryan Sadowski認為姜正浩的入札金會落在6~9M之間
這篇外電再次提到姜正浩如果真的上的了MLB 是否站的了SS是大有疑問的
因為他的下半身太過厚實 而且接球時有個缺點:會讓接球的點太過於接近身體(不大懂)
如果這個缺點能夠修正的話有機會站三壘 修不好的話可能就要直接丟去守角落外野了
Kang has a thick lower half which may have scouts believing that his ability
to play shortstop may be limited in the long run. Currently, Kang fields
balls too deep and close to his body, which many scouts believe is a
teachable correction. If Kang learns how to attack balls and field them with
better technique, many of the teams that don’t think Kang can stay at SS
will see him as a long term option at 3B. Even if Kang is too thick to play
SS and doesn’t develop the glove to play 3B, he still clearly has the
defensive tools to be a Major League corner outfielder.
PS.Ryan Sadowski是何許人也? 前KBO 樂天巨人洋投 為了適應韓職努力學韓文 因為KBO
進階數據非常缺乏而且都是韓文 便自己弄了一套數據系統 自己當球探
去年WBC荷蘭隊之所以能擊敗韓國隊 Ryan Sadowski被認為是大功臣之一
因為他把它自己的那份情報提供給WBC荷蘭隊的教練Hensley Meulens XDDD
FOX SPORT的記者 Jon Morosi 認為Sadowski是“one of the best advance scouts in
baseball — albeit an unofficial one.”
去年回美國打巨人小聯盟後開刀動手術 利用這段空檔看了很多KBO比賽 做了很多功課
目前應該沒打球了 在GSI(也就是這篇外電報導的網站)擔任球探和專欄作家的樣子
這是他的故事 有興趣的可以看一下