※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1LNU6kZA ]
作者: speedup1104 (昇陽帝國) 看板: Baseball
標題: [分享] 106歲紅雀榮譽球迷 回憶往日時光
時間: Thu May 21 21:46:18 2015
連結 內有影片
爛英文翻譯 有高手煩幫點出錯誤
Take yourself back in time, sitting in Sportsman’s Park in your Sunday best,
penciling in your scorecard and sipping on a red and white striped straw in a
glass coke bottle you bought for just a few cents at the concession stand.
(第一段描述回想過去 就不翻了)
That’s what Arnold Vouga did for fans at Busch Stadium Friday evening,
embodying the Cardinals’ 2015 slogan ‘Where Tradition Meets Today,’ when
he was honored by Edward Jones for his life-long dedication to being a St.
Louis Cardinals fan. Vouga is 106-years-old and will turn 107 next month.
這就是Arnold Vouga作為粉絲為布許球場在星期五晚上做的,
當他被Edward Jones褒揚奉獻一生做為長年紅雀球迷
Vouga現在已經106歲 下個月將滿107歲
以下還一大段 描述1926年的 洋基VS紅雀 世界大賽
跟1940年代紅雀傳奇 打二戰回來締造連霸的球星
話說回來 他出生那年 就是小熊魔咒開始那一年ㄟ!
107歲 天天到球場