哈波怎麼了? (點選連結可看詳細內文)
練出火眼金睛? 變得很會選球!!
Year P/PA BB% Swing% Fastaball% Hard-hit%
2012 3.85 9.4 50.2 45.9 30.1
2013 3.94 12.3 49.3 49.9 35.6
2014 3.89 9.6 51.2 53.8 30.2
2015 4.36 21.0 45.2 56.7 42.0
It’s nuts. Harper has started the season so well that only an injury or
an unprecedented slump will keep it from being by far the best of his young
career. And a look at some of Harper’s numbers suggests the difference has
come from improved plate discipline.
In the early part of 2015, Harper saw significantly more pitches per plate
appearances (P/PA) than he ever did in the past — jumping from a slightly
above average 3.89 figure to a 4.36 mark that ranks second in the Majors.
Harper has swung less frequently and walked far more often.
And though it could be in part a function of the pitchers he has faced to
date, Harper has seen a higher percentage of fastballs — the pitch on which
he does the most damage — than he ever did earlier in his career. His
percentage of hard-hit balls, as tracked by Baseball Info Solutions, has
spiked in turn. From the looks of the numbers, Harper is doing a much better
job choosing when to swing than he did in the past — “hunting his pitches,”
to echo a phrase frequently used by veteran MLB hitting coach Dave Hudgens.