danielar (danielar)
2015-05-31 08:45:40原文:
In Baseball, Ground Balls Are Soaring
The rate of 1.52 ground balls for every fly ball is the highest since at
least 1987
2015年1.52的滾飛比 是MLB從1987年開始統計滾飛比數據之後的最高值
We had the dead-ball era, then the steroids era. Now, welcome to the
ground-ball era in Major League Baseball.
MLB有過死球時代 類固醇時代 而在現在 歡迎來到滾地球時代
Entering Thursday’s play, teams this season have hit 17,109 grounders
compared with 11,257 fly balls, for a rate of 1.52 ground balls for every fly
ball. That’s the highest since Stats LLC began recording the statistic in
1987. The next two-highest ground ball seasons were last year (1.44 grounders
for every fly ball) and 2013 (1.35).
算進這禮拜四的比賽 球隊們一共打出了17,109次滾地球 相對的飛球則是11,257次
滾飛比為1.52 是MLB從1987年開始統計滾飛比數據之後的最高值
There’s a simple reason for the increase in worm killers throughout the
league—umpires have been increasingly giving pitchers the lower part of the
strike zone. While baseball changed the definition of a low strike to below
the knee in 1996, it wasn’t until recent years when computer technology
graded umpires on how well they follow these guidelines. As a result, this
season, over 54% of low pitches are strikes, up from 48% in 2012.
有個簡單的理由說明了滾地球次數的上升 裁判的好球帶變得更低了
MLB在1996年改變了好球帶的範圍 原先的好球帶從膝蓋上方移至膝蓋下方
(官方解釋 1996 - The Strike Zone is expanded on the lower end, moving from
the top of the knees to the bottom of the knees.)
2015年MLB有54%的低球為好球 與2012年的48%相比有些微的上升
A recent Yahoo report suggests that Major League Baseball is considering
raising the official strike zone as soon as next season.
The player who might exemplify the ground-ball trend is Miami Marlins
outfielder Christian Yelich, who has hit just seven fly balls this season,
compared with 57 grounders. His rate of 8.14 grounders for every fly ball
would shatter the full-season record of 4.88 by Luis Castillo in 1999. Yelich
’s teammate Dee Gordon is also on pace to break Castillo’s record with a
ground ball to fly ball rate of 5.94. The Marlins as a team are on a record
clip too, at 2.37—which would easily break the mark of 1.81 that the club
set last season.
這季Yelich只打出了7個飛球 同時Yelich擊出了57個滾地球 滾飛比為8.14
大幅超越原先整季的記錄保持人 1999年Luic Castillo的4.88
Yelich的隊友Dee Gordon這季的滾飛比為5.94 也超越了Castillo的記錄
馬林魚在此同時也以2.37的滾飛比 輕鬆打破自己在去年所締造的滾飛比1.81的記錄