[外電] DOJ drops case against Barry Bonds

作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2015-07-22 14:12:40
Federal government drops case against Barry Bonds, wasting more than $6M
By Chris Cwik
司法部放棄對Bonds的上訴了 花超過6M美金
之前因為調查吃禁藥問題(2003) Bonds被指控妨礙司法
過了10年以上 現在官司結束
但這對Bonds是否能進HOF 看來幫助有限
Barry Bonds' legal troubles are officially over. The U.S. Department of
Justice decided to drop what was left of its criminal case against Bonds.
Bonds was being prosecuted for obstruction of justice due to an answer he
gave during a federal grand jury in 2003. A Circuit Court overturned the
charges back in April, and the Department of Justice decided it would not ask
the U.S. Supreme Court to evaluate that decision.
It took over a decade, but the government could not find a way to prosecute
Bonds. The decision to go after him in the first place is starting to look
like a costly blunder. The initial trial was said to have cost $6 million.
That figure has gone up when you consider the hours and paperwork involved in
the appeal process.
The Associated Press spoke to a former prosecutor, who explained it didn't
make sense for the Department of Justice to pursue this issue further.
The DOJ had to ask the solicitor general's office for permission to appeal
the ruling, said Rory Little, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches at
the University of California, Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco.
The DOJ said in its court filing that the solicitor general would not appeal
the case, meaning the reversal of Bonds' conviction would stand.
Little said the decision was not a surprise. Though the 9th Circuit's ruling
exposed confusion over the federal obstruction of justice law, it was not a
good candidate for review by the U.S. Supreme Court because it generated four
different opinions.
''You have 11 judges splitting four ways,'' he said. ''That's not a very
clean vehicle for Supreme Court review.''
Shortly after the decision was made public, Bonds put out a statement on his
website. That statement read:
The finality of today’s decision gives me great peace. As I have said
before, this outcome is something I have long wished for. I am relieved,
humbled and thankful for what this means for me and my family moving forward.
Throughout this process my faith in God, along with so many who have
supported me, is what has kept me going. Thank you to all of you who have
expressed your heartfelt wishes to me; for that, I am grateful. I’d also
like to thank my outstanding legal team for their continued work on my behalf.
The ruling probably doesn't do much for Bonds' chances at the Hall of Fame.
The home run king received just 38.6 percent of votes last season. Voters
aren't keeping him out due to his legal troubles, they are keeping him out
due to his perceived use of performance enhancing drugs. With those issues
still unresolved, Bonds is unlikely to see his voting percentage rise much in
the coming years.
In the end, it all looks like a gigantic waste of time. The government fought
for over a decade to try and make Bonds a felon, and ultimately failed. In
the process, they spent a ton of money.
Bonds likely also spent a lot of money, but he came out on top. Bonds hasn't
had a lot of chances for victory since he retired, so this is probably a nice
change for him.
作者: Caryniko (遇見)   2015-07-22 14:28:00
世界奇觀~~ 全壘打王安打王都進不了名人堂
作者: jkhcc (老師)   2015-07-22 14:30:00
Rose是自己亂搞 BB根本是MLB亂搞導致進不去HOF
作者: baso (牆上貼滿你叮嚀的便籤)   2015-07-22 14:35:00
回樓上 世界奇觀是自己亂搞的人下注自己球隊贏球 但是把在其他聯盟跟組頭約好放水還要幫下著自己隊輸的衝撞王找回去打睽違多年的安打還有拿勝投吧
作者: heacoun (玩具)   2015-07-22 14:47:00
作者: hayato01 (kunsou)   2015-07-22 14:50:00
作者: fan0226 (YI)   2015-07-22 15:36:00
所以這是不調查了 那他到底算有沒有吃禁藥阿
作者: destroyfire (毀滅蒼炎)   2015-07-22 15:57:00
作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2015-07-22 16:07:00
他偽證罪就是這案子阿.... DOJ都決定不上訴了
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2015-07-22 16:34:00
作者: barrymagic (孔方兄我們結拜吧)   2015-07-22 16:41:00
作者: kenny7998 (UgoKuo)   2015-07-22 17:14:00
作者: snsi (k33536)   2015-07-22 17:18:00
作者: onime0704 (おにめ)   2015-07-22 17:29:00
作者: deadknightvi (堂)   2015-07-22 17:33:00
作者: charlie01   2015-07-22 17:43:00
因為賭博不是只有賭輸贏 這很簡單吧= =
作者: NightSoul   2015-07-22 18:09:00
作者: neoyori (靜止時光)   2015-07-22 18:21:00
而且賭自己贏 可能會讓他把本來該輪休的主力硬是派上場
作者: feather7589   2015-07-22 18:27:00
作者: BHrabal (Es muss sein.)   2015-07-22 19:24:00
棒球是賭讓分的 只賭自己贏不表示清白
作者: a7v333 (蠢與窮)   2015-07-22 19:42:00
作者: a2156700 (斯坦福橋)   2015-07-22 19:58:00
所以下注總冠軍的最後一場 賭沒讓分+自己贏就好了
作者: JakeMcGee (Jake McGee)   2015-07-23 09:09:00
怎麼變成討論Rose XDDD 明明是Bonds阿
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2015-07-23 09:14:00
棒球能賭的 不是只有輸贏讓分不讓分而已球員的成績也都是賭盤的項目之一

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