平衡報導的平衡報導 http://d.pr/15ydp
One insane thing about Sunday is that Harper did run out that pop-up.
He muttered in frustration, tossed his bat, shook his head and trotted
down the line. He reached the base. In Game 155 of a mathematically
dead season, that constitutes running it out. That counts.
週日的一個瘋狂觀點是 Harper 打出鳥飛後沒有認真跑。他氣餒地喃喃自語,拋
球季的第 155 場比賽,這已經算是認真了。這有差別。
Again, by any acceptable standard, Harper did run out that ball. And
he did it at the end of a season that would not look out of place in
the prime of Ted Williams's Baseball-Reference page. If Harper isn't
playing the right way, more players should figure out how to play the
wrong way.
再次強調,不論你用什麼標準,Harper 在那球都有認真跑。而且他是在打出一
個數據直追 Ted Williams 全盛時期的球季末做出這件事。如果 Harper 沒有用
※ 引述《Werth (臥蛇)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1M2Z4DI7 ]
: 作者: WillWaiting (Creep) 看板: Baseball
: 標題: Re: [新聞] 拜託釋出派柏本! 球迷願出錢填補國民損
: 時間: Tue Sep 29 14:34:50 2015
: : 推 ug945: 還外電咧 平行世界嗎 09/29 14:06
: : 推 mightymouse: 寶貝碰可不是球員愛的那種人,他就是休息室毒藥 09/29 14:07
: : 推 MacGyverism: 就說你那些球員是鐵拳那隊的 屏東國外電嘛 09/29 14:07
: http://tinyurl.com/ox5gjva
: Nitkowski對現在及以前的十幾名大聯盟球員做不記名調查
: 以下是他們的意見