Jon Heyman:
Bautista reported ask of $150M, 5 yrs is indeed not exactly accurate, as Joey
Bats said. At least years and total $ r MORE.
Ken Rosenthal:
Hearing same as @jonheyman: Bautista asked #BlueJays for more than 5 yrs and
more than $150M. But average annual value was below $30M per.
如果不要他就要走了 因為他5年前已經跟藍鳥簽了張5y/65M的佛心約
昨天有媒體問他是5y/150M嗎? 他說不是 也沒有明確說是多少
今天有消息說他可能要更多 5年+/150M+ 不過平均會比30M低
(他今年球季結束後FA 10月即將36歲