※ 引述《jinx55123 (adid5512)》之銘言:
: 影片
: http://goo.gl/9izgFI
: 天使隊的Daniel Nava比賽到五局上半忘記還有一個出局數
: 在接殺高飛球後居然把球丟給牆外的粉絲
: 水手隊的Stefan Romero趁這個機會上到三壘
: 但是更蠢的是他居然忘記踩一壘的壘包
: Mike Scioscia看到他沒tag up後馬上叫投手把傳丟到一壘
: 形成了這個7-E7-1-3 double play
: Romero上到三壘是因為ground rule double嗎?
: 有高手可以解一下這個play嗎?
安安 哥球齡相當久,有看過類似情況
類似的狀況: Milton Bradley 2009 https://youtu.be/fUtG-fXfKnI
MLB Rule 7.05 (g)
Each runner including the batter-runner may, without liability to be put out,
advance two bases when, with no spectators on the playing field, a thrown ball goes
into the stands, or into a bench (whether or not the ball rebounds into the
field), or over or under or through a field fence, or on a slanting part of
the screen above the backstop, or remains in the meshes of a wire screen
protecting spectators. The ball is dead. When such wild throw is the first
play by an infielder, the umpire, in awarding such bases, shall be governed
by the position of the runners at the time the ball was pitched; in all other
cases the umpire shall be governed by the position of the runners at the time
the wild throw was made;
一二壘間一般是判 base-and-one 所以都是上到三壘
所以說蝦一個屌抗議,救了憨憨的 Nava
☞ 大家有問題嗎 ☺