[影片] 今日 MLB 賽事精華 (2016.07.04)

作者: Rambo (香帥)   2016-07-05 19:07:09
釀酒人 (MIL) VS 國民 (WSH) (1 : 0)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/WLN5 http://cutt.us/oqvfp Drew diving stop
http://cutt.us/Hbkii http://cutt.us/m1J6 Recap: MIL 1, WSH 0
http://cutt.us/tH6QF http://cutt.us/IhCG7 Counsell, Braun on lineup snafu
http://cutt.us/1Hl0 http://cutt.us/yfdyT Statcast: Maldonado moonshot
http://cutt.us/wtRB9 http://cutt.us/Rk6u Nats catch Brewers off guard
http://cutt.us/SSbXs http://cutt.us/Dx47v Harrison Ghee sings anthem
http://cutt.us/3mJi http://cutt.us/pW6xV Villar fantastic sliding grab
http://cutt.us/ZiMHL http://cutt.us/MpjmS Papelbon fans Perez to end 9th
http://cutt.us/iu69 http://cutt.us/AkJk Guerra escapes a jam
http://cutt.us/dxTxb http://cutt.us/eYJ5C Scherzer holds Brewers to a run
http://cutt.us/1ZMZ http://cutt.us/hKZ9J Guerra scoreless start
http://cutt.us/nuedK http://cutt.us/UTh22 Guerra gets hit by jewelry
http://cutt.us/i0efS http://cutt.us/MM3J Braun bats out of order
http://cutt.us/K803W http://cutt.us/hl70M Must C: Brewers bat out of order
http://cutt.us/CyBex http://cutt.us/h3NAH Baker discusses 1-0 loss
http://cutt.us/1yBd3 http://cutt.us/AiQvn Maldonado solo homer
http://cutt.us/dywQ http://cutt.us/mjvMJ Scherzer escapes a jam
http://cutt.us/XvcAg http://cutt.us/5hES Jeffress notches the save
http://cutt.us/bqsF http://cutt.us/GOGdO Giolito salutes the military
天使 (LAA) VS 光芒 (TB) (2 : 4)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/qF69u http://cutt.us/33mS Recap: LAA 2, TB 4
http://cutt.us/PKCVG http://cutt.us/qn6y Moore solid start
http://cutt.us/2Jv8c http://cutt.us/t1yUy Morrison RBI single
http://cutt.us/rILkU http://cutt.us/emW4n Souza Jr. valiant effort
http://cutt.us/irCYe http://cutt.us/VGlN Garton records his first save
http://cutt.us/5ZY38 http://cutt.us/fXMhX Wounded warrior first pitch
http://cutt.us/ivsFx http://cutt.us/QsI8Q Souza Jr. plates Morrison
http://cutt.us/PrwO http://cutt.us/TfLWf Marte shakes off injury
http://cutt.us/iNzsd http://cutt.us/5gth7 Pujols' single hits an umpire
http://cutt.us/GSwag http://cutt.us/InyzN Bandy cuts down Arcia
http://cutt.us/HQgI http://cutt.us/n5N0E Longoria impressive grab
http://cutt.us/b1GK http://cutt.us/4hH1 Tropeano fans Miller
http://cutt.us/SUqze http://cutt.us/nE1Hi Marte clubs a solo homer
http://cutt.us/rXZl http://cutt.us/rJ9hT Simmons' RBI double
http://cutt.us/LhLD http://cutt.us/viuC Morrison solo knock
http://cutt.us/syzbz http://cutt.us/RA2cq Fans get foul ball, fresh beers
http://cutt.us/hWwu2 http://cutt.us/Gc85h Rays salute the troops
http://cutt.us/Zpbr7 http://cutt.us/Mz7qA Miller solo home run
遊騎兵 (TEX) VS 紅襪 (BOS) (5 : 12)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/402d http://cutt.us/oj7hQ Martinez gets out of jam in 1st
http://cutt.us/snFAE http://cutt.us/lIJoz Fan bobbles, drops foul ball
http://cutt.us/RXC8 http://cutt.us/nXiv5 Odor solo blast
http://cutt.us/VRqG http://cutt.us/osJMm Papi RBI double
http://cutt.us/IXo6Z http://cutt.us/dG91p Shaw rings one off Pesky Pole
http://cutt.us/ThWiP http://cutt.us/wtL2R Shaw diving stop
http://cutt.us/mwY1S http://cutt.us/W6pbu Leon four-hit day
http://cutt.us/tR4kz http://cutt.us/07vOa Brass Quintet performs anthem
http://cutt.us/RgxMh http://cutt.us/GinC Recap: TEX 5, BOS 12
http://cutt.us/KV4yL http://cutt.us/KUfri Shaw RBI single
http://cutt.us/kbJdr http://cutt.us/E4pYU Hanley RBI double
http://cutt.us/quyAd http://cutt.us/DJKFl Jonas Brothers in attendance
http://cutt.us/QHeJ http://cutt.us/6Rnk Porcello works six frames in win
http://cutt.us/BO7aA http://cutt.us/7mPq Review confirms Betts' foul ball
http://cutt.us/UGZN http://cutt.us/vbGcK Ramirez takes a tumble
http://cutt.us/PWwi0 http://cutt.us/DEYjm Odor single scores two
http://cutt.us/ujmuq http://cutt.us/ZwUNg Red Sox score four in the 3rd
http://cutt.us/2ZqAj http://cutt.us/rpbLn Profar RBI single
http://cutt.us/iIgB0 http://cutt.us/wvRko God Bless America
http://cutt.us/y3WhF http://cutt.us/5ts9 Red Sox booth on Odor name
http://cutt.us/K70SM http://cutt.us/26fE Pedroia solo blast
http://cutt.us/3f0S http://cutt.us/FxjyU Rangers score four in the 1st
http://cutt.us/YtO9B http://cutt.us/GibuK Beltre nabs Pedroia, call stands
http://cutt.us/7FX4 http://cutt.us/fYQE Bradley Jr. walks home a run
http://cutt.us/xBvw http://cutt.us/5EHkw Beltre RBI single
http://cutt.us/69YUq http://cutt.us/bgjvw Ross catches Holt homer in hat
http://cutt.us/B0Bo http://cutt.us/wWTNt Holt throws Choo out at home
http://cutt.us/DUoD http://cutt.us/wiAAH Betts' two-run homer
http://cutt.us/1oFcP http://cutt.us/WuUjo Holt two-run homer
http://cutt.us/jGOB http://cutt.us/lV7j Papi passes Yaz with double
http://cutt.us/BWcIb http://cutt.us/akFE Pedroia RBI single
http://cutt.us/iAxe http://cutt.us/OnvJW Farrell on Holt, Porcello in win
http://cutt.us/U5EKv http://cutt.us/9k3CG Red Sox blast four homers
洋基 (NYY) VS 白襪 (CWS) (2 : 8)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/xgjC8 http://cutt.us/7Ksp Shields holds Yanks to two runs
http://cutt.us/Mzuz http://cutt.us/ojXJR Navarro two-run homer
http://cutt.us/YdzTl http://cutt.us/ku7eD Headley two-run homer
http://cutt.us/GDu16 http://cutt.us/bTmgz REO Speedwagon at USCF
http://cutt.us/KNeo9 http://cutt.us/Aoeg Frazier RBI single
http://cutt.us/F5O0 http://cutt.us/b1UZP Abreu RBI single
http://cutt.us/IwGfp http://cutt.us/qjU99 Lawrie sacrifice fly
http://cutt.us/do96A http://cutt.us/IWlvN Castro four-hit game
http://cutt.us/YSxuh http://cutt.us/jZWXT Anderson legs out a single
http://cutt.us/eXzN http://cutt.us/vgnNG Eaton bunt single
http://cutt.us/0N1T http://cutt.us/q1k6m Headley barehanded play
http://cutt.us/FLQBO http://cutt.us/O4H6P Coats reaches on an error
http://cutt.us/JsEnv http://cutt.us/NczL Sabathia fans Eaton
http://cutt.us/gnaSo http://cutt.us/Kp8TC God Bless America
http://cutt.us/tVCFU http://cutt.us/xAvH REO Speedwagon national anthem
http://cutt.us/T9dAy http://cutt.us/dGNH Melky fine grab
http://cutt.us/JdqPQ http://cutt.us/bqh8 Ellsbury goes to second
http://cutt.us/nrK1 http://cutt.us/DPMSW Ellsbury spectacular catch
http://cutt.us/kaS0k http://cutt.us/NHsJt Israel Del Toro first pitch
http://cutt.us/l27HB http://cutt.us/3F2OH Coats' fine sliding catch
http://cutt.us/7JDnI http://cutt.us/b0CgJ White Sox players greet military
http://cutt.us/eoe2 http://cutt.us/saHc2 Shields, Frazier on 8-2 win
http://cutt.us/8HNol http://cutt.us/OM6ZU Ventura talks 8-2 win
http://cutt.us/Jjs3A http://cutt.us/aPcM4 Frazier on Shields, hitting
http://cutt.us/S8Xsw http://cutt.us/Dzexa Kevin Cronin God Bless America
http://cutt.us/Qlbnk http://cutt.us/Z89US Anderson two-run homer
http://cutt.us/AismJ http://cutt.us/Kpoat Shields escapes jam
http://cutt.us/GKnme http://cutt.us/Ug5gO Frazier reaches for fourth time
http://cutt.us/ggKX http://cutt.us/omKs5 Shields escapes bases-loaed jam
http://cutt.us/hm6V http://cutt.us/HjS5l 7/4/16: NYY vs. CWS Highlights
http://cutt.us/yuPG9 http://cutt.us/biCi Hero of the Game 7/4
http://cutt.us/z4iF http://cutt.us/Nln4V Recap: NYY 2, CWS 8
http://cutt.us/0CD0f http://cutt.us/yD2mD Lawrie RBI single
http://cutt.us/Ro4Vn http://cutt.us/vmzBu Michael Tolcher acoustic set
http://cutt.us/7fwAU http://cutt.us/dBSKB Ellsbury reaches on interference
http://cutt.us/hFZug http://cutt.us/Wzg5O Jones escapes jam
運動家 (OAK) VS 雙城 (MIN) (3 : 1)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/8laQk http://cutt.us/I4d3S The Minnesota Chorale anthem
http://cutt.us/17u7f http://cutt.us/mbEYm Nolasco great grab
http://cutt.us/PViQ6 http://cutt.us/Ch8Vl Recap: OAK 3, MIN 1
http://cutt.us/Q9WRl http://cutt.us/ZJCH Madson earns the save
http://cutt.us/a9fml http://cutt.us/7xHH Dull strikes out Dozier
http://cutt.us/v2fzk http://cutt.us/LOD2u Crisp two-run single
http://cutt.us/J6hlA http://cutt.us/BrGJx Valencia nice play
http://cutt.us/Je70S http://cutt.us/148CW Nolasco quality start
http://cutt.us/kBvjQ http://cutt.us/ojdB God Bless America in Minnesota
http://cutt.us/IP3Ru http://cutt.us/VVxJ3 Davis singles on a grounder
http://cutt.us/Jw7g http://cutt.us/9fytm Dozier great stop starts two
http://cutt.us/qsas6 http://cutt.us/W2fk Call overturned in 7th
http://cutt.us/MZ3Vi http://cutt.us/fqT4 Centeno odd play for the out
http://cutt.us/LObG3 http://cutt.us/RZC4 Semien nice play
http://cutt.us/GwJoI http://cutt.us/tBcqw Graveman strong outing
http://cutt.us/VarUk http://cutt.us/zbw8S Mauer scores first run
http://cutt.us/IjKVD http://cutt.us/64ozc Vogt RBI single
http://cutt.us/icRJ0 http://cutt.us/hCBEV Rosario triple in the 9th
水手 (SEA) VS 太空人 (HOU) (1 : 2)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/SK0VJ http://cutt.us/P0848 McCullers fans Smith
http://cutt.us/0cKDk http://cutt.us/Yalu Cano starts double play
http://cutt.us/ho1w http://cutt.us/v4uNA Altuve nice stop
http://cutt.us/5S0dP http://cutt.us/jo14v God Bless America
http://cutt.us/W4x0t http://cutt.us/uiUR McCullers fields, starts DP
http://cutt.us/D2rd http://cutt.us/rwjSt Springer le da ventaja a Houston
http://cutt.us/9u2Db http://cutt.us/u59C0 McCullers' 10 Ks in 10 seconds
http://cutt.us/miA5 http://cutt.us/JPbm Recap: SEA 1, HOU 2
http://cutt.us/Uzhr http://cutt.us/1jObO Must C: Astros turn an odd DP
http://cutt.us/P3KL http://cutt.us/5cRHU Dae-Ho Lee RBI single
http://cutt.us/SPFzm http://cutt.us/Q1W60 McCullers' quick reflexes
http://cutt.us/wnVvF http://cutt.us/uvyr Cruz sliding grab
http://cutt.us/7CWyA http://cutt.us/DNYR McCullers fans Smith
http://cutt.us/pbl4 http://cutt.us/URPgb McCullers' strong outing
http://cutt.us/0Hf0E http://cutt.us/k1eE0 Astros honor Sgt. Low
http://cutt.us/mQ3q http://cutt.us/s9Of2 Lee makes stop, tosses for two
http://cutt.us/BH50 http://cutt.us/nMvYo Simone Biles' flip, first pitch
http://cutt.us/0pk3 http://cutt.us/ESqaZ Springer go-ahead homer
http://cutt.us/7KChU http://cutt.us/lBMPn Hinch on 2-1 win over Mariners
http://cutt.us/6wjZ8 http://cutt.us/Qg0wD Rollins escapes a jam
http://cutt.us/1gEna http://cutt.us/YTLM Gonzalez steals a foul ball
http://cutt.us/Kexd http://cutt.us/MZA2 Biles on throwing first pitch
http://cutt.us/W56G http://cutt.us/bUDgI McCullers escapes a jam
http://cutt.us/i0854 http://cutt.us/F5yFL Astros on 2-1 win
http://cutt.us/vPGVy http://cutt.us/X5GK Valbuena sac fly
http://cutt.us/82FBG http://cutt.us/IL8X Orbit hot dog eating contest
http://cutt.us/49clU http://cutt.us/wNrIn Astros turn 2-3-1 DP
http://cutt.us/SErQe http://cutt.us/nont9 Miley fans Castro
http://cutt.us/CIB2B http://cutt.us/aUKk1 Martin leadoff triple
http://cutt.us/qGy6J http://cutt.us/MmteF Harris earns the save
海盜 (PIT) VS 紅雀 (STL) (4 : 2)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/smPaQ http://cutt.us/ewpz3 Polanco solo homer
http://cutt.us/ZnkV http://cutt.us/7kK9i Jaso RBI single
http://cutt.us/fpRaW http://cutt.us/t5uG7 Martinez gets out of a jam
http://cutt.us/Jfub http://cutt.us/ghqB0 Carpenter RBI single
http://cutt.us/r3gsN http://cutt.us/E9Uzn Freese gets a standing ovation
http://cutt.us/XsIwJ http://cutt.us/N3P2M Matheny on Cardinals' loss
http://cutt.us/gnpF0 http://cutt.us/aegGS Niese limits Cards to one run
http://cutt.us/SvWn http://cutt.us/9v0Hv Feliz picks up the save
http://cutt.us/YcH4l http://cutt.us/jNWx2 Pirates complete a double play
http://cutt.us/Zc0h0 http://cutt.us/hLYQQ Polanco two-run homer
http://cutt.us/reZMw http://cutt.us/SdLD3 Carpenter RBI double
http://cutt.us/i5hbY http://cutt.us/E7Uly Martinez fans seven
http://cutt.us/MyGg1 http://cutt.us/Rs4Y Piscotty sliding catch
http://cutt.us/WJyG http://cutt.us/1ke11 Polanco belts two homers
http://cutt.us/HVCSb http://cutt.us/Vvrwe Recap: PIT 4, STL 2
http://cutt.us/aAtVD http://cutt.us/MidB9 Nicasio immaculate inning
http://cutt.us/niD7Y http://cutt.us/ZlaU1 Navy Seal joins the booth
http://cutt.us/RsLp http://cutt.us/NrSI Freese welcomed to St. Louis
紅人 (CIN) VS 小熊 (CHC) (4 : 10)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/URwW http://cutt.us/CGNZb Maddon talks 10-4 win
http://cutt.us/mxHxe http://cutt.us/VcCF Suarez homers to left
http://cutt.us/TcLf http://cutt.us/zt8mo Bryant two-run homer
http://cutt.us/yrMuy http://cutt.us/xBY7y Recap: CIN 4, CHC 10
http://cutt.us/VwBCP http://cutt.us/OMr8D Patriotic Cubs fan proposes
http://cutt.us/ViEY http://cutt.us/v7eA0 Hendricks' solid outing
http://cutt.us/vxFyJ http://cutt.us/Tv1g Garlin sings during the stretch
http://cutt.us/eWgZJ http://cutt.us/tK8zZ Contreras homers to left
http://cutt.us/7LvJ7 http://cutt.us/515G Cubs turn two
http://cutt.us/eKmK http://cutt.us/D9jFd Wood pinch-hit single
http://cutt.us/VCb1J http://cutt.us/IHJT Cubs score two on error
http://cutt.us/HiXs http://cutt.us/cV6Yr Reds go back-to-back in 7th
http://cutt.us/vxhFQ http://cutt.us/FdtEy Riggins dismissed from Reds
http://cutt.us/D9IS7 http://cutt.us/yVcL Contreras' injury
http://cutt.us/7fi2v http://cutt.us/q6zqN Call stands in 6th
http://cutt.us/fKEAT http://cutt.us/kv3MA Duvall sac fly
http://cutt.us/bj7TA http://cutt.us/hRZMF Heyward two-run double
http://cutt.us/neqG http://cutt.us/FrMg Russell RBI single
http://cutt.us/eu2C http://cutt.us/5X2OT Suarez catches line drive
http://cutt.us/H9R4l http://cutt.us/NshlK Cozart homers to left
http://cutt.us/N6yS http://cutt.us/7UEFN Russell homer to left
http://cutt.us/EszX http://cutt.us/yru7 Votto singles to center
http://cutt.us/kiJQa http://cutt.us/oqOr Messmer sings the anthem
http://cutt.us/msilg http://cutt.us/JbCq Bryant, Almora collide
http://cutt.us/JYhi http://cutt.us/YS6b Contreras talks Cubs win
http://cutt.us/vRqgL http://cutt.us/yVEgP Bruce sliding catch
http://cutt.us/QCfP http://cutt.us/quGP Cozart doubles to left
http://cutt.us/9C4l3 http://cutt.us/ws1Ni Call at first overturned
勇士 (ATL) VS 費城人 (PHI) (2 : 8)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/qAPaF http://cutt.us/5uBTm Recap: ATL 2, PHI 8
http://cutt.us/KbOEh http://cutt.us/2Xaku God Bless America performed
http://cutt.us/Rf6CS http://cutt.us/ioFz6 Joseph RBI single
http://cutt.us/CyHzF http://cutt.us/OmpX5 De La Cruz strikes out Herrera
http://cutt.us/VfK6z http://cutt.us/8Q4R4 Galvis' RBI grounder
http://cutt.us/pfKF9 http://cutt.us/G3fKJ Markakis' RBI single
http://cutt.us/v8P2E http://cutt.us/MmRiG Phillies' seven-run 2nd inning
http://cutt.us/IfbSV http://cutt.us/UrKoa De La Cruz strikes out Franco
http://cutt.us/tl0Bg http://cutt.us/7wjtZ Phanatic enters production room
http://cutt.us/g9wrp http://cutt.us/goou Herrera two-run dinger
http://cutt.us/akMQD http://cutt.us/KuoSQ Franco two-run homer
http://cutt.us/c4S9t http://cutt.us/vDOZe Phillies July 4 Ceremony
http://cutt.us/4P2Kr http://cutt.us/ESnRH Asche running catch ends game
http://cutt.us/RdEv http://cutt.us/HYw3 Hernandez discusses his big day
http://cutt.us/zkTeP http://cutt.us/20VMn Mackanin on series opening win
http://cutt.us/Bho8J http://cutt.us/mGayN Hernandez scores on an error
http://cutt.us/OKu9R http://cutt.us/h5lYT Fans celebrate July 4
http://cutt.us/kAum http://cutt.us/VGqTZ Hernandez RBI triple
http://cutt.us/ctom http://cutt.us/jJ3a Aybar solo home run
http://cutt.us/PVyWo http://cutt.us/NSgz5 Eickhoff stellar start
http://cutt.us/eVrah http://cutt.us/6IF1 Francoeur makes a nice catch
落磯 (COL) VS 巨人 (SF) (1 : 3)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/Mkwz7 http://cutt.us/qBJq5 Blackmon makes a tough grab
http://cutt.us/EqGl1 http://cutt.us/yZfB Camo Romeo proposes on dugout
http://cutt.us/BZMvA http://cutt.us/Rg4pW Crawford backhanded stop
http://cutt.us/DvdZk http://cutt.us/r5pr6 Arenado intercepts DP throw
http://cutt.us/5Lt45 http://cutt.us/bjaEb Casilla finishes perfect 9th
http://cutt.us/Xcb2 http://cutt.us/5o4QU Pagan two-run homer
http://cutt.us/o9GDl http://cutt.us/R3QTS Giants bullpen almost perfect
http://cutt.us/6nauZ http://cutt.us/g6Zzz Williamson robs Reynolds
http://cutt.us/myg2z http://cutt.us/UrUTN Peavy balks in a run
http://cutt.us/rmgyd http://cutt.us/qOKI Rockies lose challenge
http://cutt.us/XKjVw http://cutt.us/tTVTf Recap: COL 1, SF 3
http://cutt.us/j975 http://cutt.us/BXRQg Posey solo homer
http://cutt.us/NpxV http://cutt.us/CALs Bochy on grinding out a win
http://cutt.us/lPj1o http://cutt.us/600pS Belt makes a play in foul ground
http://cutt.us/Q33ID http://cutt.us/DnMjY July 4 God Bless America
http://cutt.us/8IE85 http://cutt.us/T3QPA Statcast: Williamson lays out
http://cutt.us/o7vUr http://cutt.us/hUXB6 Peavy gives up one run in win
http://cutt.us/NGnm http://cutt.us/CwdE Arenado strong throw to first
馬林魚 (MIA) VS 大都會 (NYM) (6 : 8)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/MhI97 http://cutt.us/dn6sN d'Arnaud RBI single
http://cutt.us/8MDGv http://cutt.us/eN7F Mattingly on 8-6 loss to Mets
http://cutt.us/47hN http://cutt.us/JiBOK d'Arnaud throws out Prado
http://cutt.us/vpW7P http://cutt.us/mxZvv Verrett athletic stop
http://cutt.us/Vbz2 http://cutt.us/zwT2D Koehler plates Hechavarria
http://cutt.us/r2W3Y http://cutt.us/BJql Call overturned in 2nd
http://cutt.us/0aKTV http://cutt.us/3xwc Flores' game-tying sac fly
http://cutt.us/KjgHB http://cutt.us/OWUEY Cespedes' go-ahead double
http://cutt.us/uoEyw http://cutt.us/10k3D Familia shuts the door
http://cutt.us/bNr9f http://cutt.us/72su1 Johnson scores on an error
http://cutt.us/sKuZZ http://cutt.us/JpJNJ Loney starts big double play
http://cutt.us/z2IYG http://cutt.us/fkpTD Messenger sings on July 4
http://cutt.us/VRRsr http://cutt.us/SGEQY Collins on Mets' comeback win
http://cutt.us/uNcZS http://cutt.us/fNswf Loney plates Walker
http://cutt.us/F22rz http://cutt.us/NDKcy Realmuto four-hit game
http://cutt.us/22Ke4 http://cutt.us/qsT9 Koehler escapes the threat
http://cutt.us/SLf6S http://cutt.us/koPuQ Johnson flashes the leather
http://cutt.us/AzKTP http://cutt.us/OxHi8 Cabrera swipes second
http://cutt.us/bBSy1 http://cutt.us/ekFJC Hechavarria RBI double
http://cutt.us/q5RLJ http://cutt.us/2icHb Hechavarria turns two
http://cutt.us/kXeN7 http://cutt.us/wWqS3 Granderson solo blast
http://cutt.us/FWAlZ http://cutt.us/0uKfl Dietrich nabs Lagares
http://cutt.us/An9Ua http://cutt.us/yhKd Walker turns two
http://cutt.us/s8Z8 http://cutt.us/mUUO6 Recap: MIA 6, NYM 8
http://cutt.us/blgkY http://cutt.us/wFN0b Young fan wears ice cream
http://cutt.us/Tyo4Z http://cutt.us/cB7OW Yelich two-run single
http://cutt.us/oKwmy http://cutt.us/LRMIf Ichiro 2,990th hit
http://cutt.us/zUJF2 http://cutt.us/fL2Fi Marlins turn a big double play
http://cutt.us/B81El http://cutt.us/gXpe5 d'Arnaud solo smash
http://cutt.us/g4O2k http://cutt.us/ovSiY Blevins ends the threat
皇家 (KC) VS 藍鳥 (TOR) (2 : 6)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/WcCnU http://cutt.us/gSyi Gordon strong throw
http://cutt.us/EsCG8 http://cutt.us/30SU Recap: KC 2, TOR 6
http://cutt.us/stu2C http://cutt.us/83fI1 Pillar sliding catch
http://cutt.us/W1OT http://cutt.us/yk0Ml Saunders' RBI groundout
http://cutt.us/rXd4h http://cutt.us/92rdG Tulo handles tricky hop
http://cutt.us/RE7SU http://cutt.us/VBOwA Gibbons on Blue Jays' 6-2 win
http://cutt.us/NOGju http://cutt.us/1m4TD Hosmer solo homer
http://cutt.us/4OH7S http://cutt.us/wakv Volquez six-plus innings
http://cutt.us/zcfe http://cutt.us/sm4o Morales' game-tying solo homer
http://cutt.us/QLctW http://cutt.us/l5GPu Merrifield diving catch
http://cutt.us/4P7eA http://cutt.us/n3Qzx Donaldson two-run single
http://cutt.us/iNEk http://cutt.us/gcvSt Statcast: Gordon great throw
http://cutt.us/mCxe http://cutt.us/hVvVf Travis' bases-loaded walk
http://cutt.us/rCJUx http://cutt.us/jGia Hosmer nice throw
http://cutt.us/77ael http://cutt.us/XB9Sg Barney two-run single
http://cutt.us/LJy79 http://cutt.us/247H4 Sanchez eight strong innings
http://cutt.us/0KsM http://cutt.us/Rz2G Sanchez great snag
http://cutt.us/seNc http://cutt.us/OPeE Ventura tests out ankle
http://cutt.us/cmxVR http://cutt.us/nV7H9 Blue Jays score five in 7th
老虎 (DET) VS 印地安人 (CLE) (3 : 5)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/Z25CX http://cutt.us/LzuGO Castellanos' diving stop
http://cutt.us/ZPjbi http://cutt.us/2X1v2 Napoli on big game vs. Tigers
http://cutt.us/1jgYz http://cutt.us/83mrC Santana run-scoring single
http://cutt.us/Irf5H http://cutt.us/N7XO Indians Radio Call of the Night
http://cutt.us/nUNAN http://cutt.us/JwkS Norris leaves with an injury
http://cutt.us/IB33p http://cutt.us/33TUk Kluber is a Feller Award nominee
http://cutt.us/jERTF http://cutt.us/cZW8c Lindor sac fly
http://cutt.us/eV7A6 http://cutt.us/Nz0z Francona discusses Tribe win
http://cutt.us/5NtTm http://cutt.us/3oiJ Uribe diving catch
http://cutt.us/MFUmN http://cutt.us/Dz7tD McCann throws out Ramirez
http://cutt.us/1o7BE http://cutt.us/BizzL Salazar strikes out the side
http://cutt.us/EJbuX http://cutt.us/zwjqn Recap: DET 3, CLE 5
http://cutt.us/XuDKS http://cutt.us/Ry57 God Bless America
http://cutt.us/3TgV5 http://cutt.us/XWq4J Wilson escapes bases-loaded jam
http://cutt.us/ZDyL1 http://cutt.us/83SbC Tribe turn a double play
http://cutt.us/ffnWH http://cutt.us/ad2k McKinney throws first pitch
http://cutt.us/ThyH http://cutt.us/u7Mmb Lindor sacrifice fly
http://cutt.us/aW0CY http://cutt.us/0HqVZ Allen earns the save
http://cutt.us/RJw2k http://cutt.us/fSbG Castellanos' two-run homer
http://cutt.us/5xxMh http://cutt.us/u2ugW Napoli two-run home run
http://cutt.us/G2I7 http://cutt.us/kSYj Wilson three-pitch 6th inning
http://cutt.us/a4Ydk http://cutt.us/E9pB4 Moya solo home run
金鶯 (BAL) VS 道奇 (LAD) (5 : 7)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/VzzDC http://cutt.us/Pi0g Dodgers welcome two bald eagles
http://cutt.us/SQV37 http://cutt.us/1RXsy Seager triple to right
http://cutt.us/Itf7c http://cutt.us/0hdp Hardy two-run double
http://cutt.us/be3sT http://cutt.us/PVQEG Grandal goes back-to-back
http://cutt.us/wd7Da http://cutt.us/WcB3 Jones' RBI single
http://cutt.us/cMJc http://cutt.us/nmF3Z Utley run-scoring single
http://cutt.us/UTfUJ http://cutt.us/PGzcs Recap: BAL 5, LAD 7
http://cutt.us/y1eTD http://cutt.us/TV2im Jones' leaping catch
http://cutt.us/kbP2I http://cutt.us/XBNQ Jansen notches his 25th save
http://cutt.us/GWGRr http://cutt.us/vE648 Puig shows off July 4 cleats
http://cutt.us/D14q8 http://cutt.us/94ZzQ Urias strikes out Schoop
http://cutt.us/OmOj8 http://cutt.us/A9jsm Roberts on Dodgers' 7-5 win
http://cutt.us/GFiYh http://cutt.us/Ncz9 Scully speaks on Fourth of July
http://cutt.us/n6YJS http://cutt.us/h0f5F Puig, Grandal go back-to-back
http://cutt.us/C0yq http://cutt.us/dDgX Turner sacrifice fly
http://cutt.us/xlGt http://cutt.us/p6yjf Kendrick RBI double
http://cutt.us/HPheR http://cutt.us/UxOQm Utley RBI single
http://cutt.us/UqMwf http://cutt.us/z5Idt Puig solo homer
http://cutt.us/HqIER http://cutt.us/JwxSi Turner backhanded stop
http://cutt.us/8ZxSw http://cutt.us/IyVs9 Hardy tags out Utley
http://cutt.us/U0U5u http://cutt.us/aReUs Seager run-scoring single
http://cutt.us/xUM1 http://cutt.us/VQaHs Army officer Smith sings
http://cutt.us/4b2uv http://cutt.us/oP0oG Rickard two-run single
教士 (SD) VS 響尾蛇 (ARI) (8 : 4)
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/Ai40Q http://cutt.us/1uTx Goldschmidt scores on error
http://cutt.us/ABExo http://cutt.us/ucPC0 Norris' strong throw
http://cutt.us/OBoCM http://cutt.us/ziCNK Dominguez escapes a jam
http://cutt.us/2Qk8 http://cutt.us/phMvJ Kemp diving catch
http://cutt.us/TWsV http://cutt.us/nB5e Norris exits the game
http://cutt.us/sUGW http://cutt.us/d2Rag Lamb RBI triple
http://cutt.us/zpdvW http://cutt.us/bpaZ Hand fans Goldy, Lamb
http://cutt.us/dRVs http://cutt.us/KC5Tb Ramirez stays with deflection
http://cutt.us/rUQVg http://cutt.us/0ty9 Hale on D-backs' 8-4 loss
http://cutt.us/rKw6N http://cutt.us/gSQ2 7/4/16: Padres Social Hour
http://cutt.us/pjPS http://cutt.us/WVBwv Ramirez RBI single
http://cutt.us/ctG6 http://cutt.us/N5NhF Recap: SD 8, ARI 4
http://cutt.us/QInmN http://cutt.us/o4If Kemp RBI double
http://cutt.us/zEgy1 http://cutt.us/MfPEj Solarte two-run homer
http://cutt.us/YP9hg http://cutt.us/68BDp Goldschmidt RBI double
http://cutt.us/eRYo http://cutt.us/rfb43 Bradley fans Myers
http://cutt.us/3CEXw http://cutt.us/H8Tpx Norris' RBI double
http://cutt.us/8yIJp http://cutt.us/VZkRm Solarte diving stop
http://cutt.us/7RhVT http://cutt.us/5ey1d Perdomo fans Gosselin
http://cutt.us/fiPz2 http://cutt.us/4cLiD National anthem at Chase Field
http://cutt.us/6vscY http://cutt.us/xDoBs Schimpf RBI double
http://cutt.us/wgM52 http://cutt.us/imal Norris' two-run homer
>>>>>>官網版<<<<<<< >>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<
http://cutt.us/Hbkii http://cutt.us/m1J6 Recap: MIL 1, WSH 0
http://cutt.us/qF69u http://cutt.us/33mS Recap: LAA 2, TB 4
http://cutt.us/RgxMh http://cutt.us/GinC Recap: TEX 5, BOS 12
http://cutt.us/z4iF http://cutt.us/Nln4V Recap: NYY 2, CWS 8
http://cutt.us/PViQ6 http://cutt.us/Ch8Vl Recap: OAK 3, MIN 1
http://cutt.us/miA5 http://cutt.us/JPbm Recap: SEA 1, HOU 2
http://cutt.us/HVCSb http://cutt.us/Vvrwe Recap: PIT 4, STL 2
http://cutt.us/yrMuy http://cutt.us/xBY7y Recap: CIN 4, CHC 10
http://cutt.us/qAPaF http://cutt.us/5uBTm Recap: ATL 2, PHI 8
http://cutt.us/XKjVw http://cutt.us/tTVTf Recap: COL 1, SF 3
http://cutt.us/s8Z8 http://cutt.us/mUUO6 Recap: MIA 6, NYM 8
http://cutt.us/EsCG8 http://cutt.us/30SU Recap: KC 2, TOR 6
http://cutt.us/EJbuX http://cutt.us/zwjqn Recap: DET 3, CLE 5
http://cutt.us/UTfUJ http://cutt.us/PGzcs Recap: BAL 5, LAD 7
http://cutt.us/ctG6 http://cutt.us/N5NhF Recap: SD 8, ARI 4
http://cutt.us/pNop5 http://cutt.us/Zehzf 今日五大好球
http://cutt.us/Bg8B http://cutt.us/96XqW 上週十大HR
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http://cutt.us/Kz6bY http://cutt.us/ZNJes 今日快掃Nice Play
http://cutt.us/GNXfO http://cutt.us/rhHya 7/4/16 CG: MIL@WSH
http://cutt.us/u4l6 http://cutt.us/xUv1d 7/4/16 CG: LAA@TB
http://cutt.us/yXNRz http://cutt.us/Xzru5 7/4/16 CG: TEX@BOS
http://cutt.us/NMYg http://cutt.us/OX96c 7/4/16 CG: NYY@CWS
http://cutt.us/fiKRS http://cutt.us/NVVHl 7/4/16 CG: OAK@MIN
http://cutt.us/3PcQr http://cutt.us/O1Mhh 7/4/16 CG: SEA@HOU
http://cutt.us/uuS2R http://cutt.us/gSEhg 7/4/16 CG: PIT@STL
http://cutt.us/Yb2Zx http://cutt.us/DK77L 7/4/16 CG: CIN@CHC
http://cutt.us/ULfOZ http://cutt.us/EEX1 7/4/16 CG: ATL@PHI
http://cutt.us/tyvV1 http://cutt.us/jJtuK 7/4/2016 CG: COL@SF
http://cutt.us/UwokR http://cutt.us/bjW59 7/4/16 CG: MIA@NYM
http://cutt.us/ICi0 http://cutt.us/erLw5 7/4/16 CG: KC@TOR
http://cutt.us/2P9s7 http://cutt.us/8V99e 7/4/16 CG: DET@CLE
http://cutt.us/0bo9p http://cutt.us/iMz5j 7/4/16 CG: BAL@LAD
http://cutt.us/A1Ha http://cutt.us/S2h1 7/4/16 CG: SD@ARI
作者: ug945 (ug945)   2016-07-05 21:15:00
作者: th11211 (Camel)   2016-07-05 22:56:00
作者: d06 (棒打老虎雞吃蟲)   2016-07-05 23:37:00
作者: saiulbb (Becky♪#是我的拉!)   2016-07-05 23:59:00

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