[外電] Yankees remain focused on Chapman

作者: scheiss (。)   2016-12-07 00:42:17
Jon Heyman
Though it isn’t known exactly where the team stands, the New York Yankees rem
ain focused on bringing back closer Aroldis Chapman, with ex-Dodgers closer Ke
nley Jansen their primary backup plan.
While Chapman is reportedly looking for a six-year deal, the Yankees won’t go
that far; they are, however, prepared to give Chapman a deal in the range of
five years and $80 million, which would break the record for relievers just se
t by Mark Melancon, who received a four-year, $62 million deal from the Giants
The Miami Marlins and Los Angeles Dodgers remain involved in the closer market
, though both teams appear to favor Jansen to Chapman. The Cubs could also be
in the fold for either elite closer, though they’re less likely to land one o
f the two. The Nationals could also use a closer to replace the departed Melan
con, whom they were interested in bringing back, though their primary focus ri
ght now remains starter Chris Sale.
Chapman made 31 appearances for the Yankees last season after being acquired v
ia trade from the Cincinnati Reds last winter and then serving a 30-game suspe
nsion for violating the league’s domestic abuse policy. When he returned, he
was his usual dominant self, saving 20 games for the Yankees while posting a 2
.01 ERA and striking out 44 batters in 31.1 innings. He was ultimately dealt a
gain at the trade deadline to the Chicago Cubs, whom he helped win a World Ser
ies title.
Chapman has a slight advantage in terms of value over Jansen, as the former do
es not have a draft pick hanging over him by virtue of the qualifying offer. G
iven Melancon’s deal, Chapman could conceivably break the $90 million mark; t
hough he has not demanded a contract of $100 million-plus, such a deal may not
be far off.
備案是Kenley Jansen
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2016-12-07 00:48:00
這個真的看不懂 不是Chapman不好 而是陣容一堆洞的時候補頂級CL可以幹嘛 打線打不了分數SP早早被打爆明年大概就是五成上下的隊伍而已 砸Chapman真的很沒意義
作者: spurs2120 (Fundamental)   2016-12-07 00:51:00
作者: Minihil ( )   2016-12-07 00:53:00
現在不簽 1-2年後FA有頂cp能撈嗎?
作者: bestteam (wombat是胖胖熊)   2016-12-07 00:54:00
作者: noahlin (該怎麼說呢)   2016-12-07 00:59:00
明年沒有 不過兩年後蠻多的 A米 Familia Britton都到期現在這種要練小朋友的態勢兩年內要爭冠應該很難而且Betances也值得更多機會 今年也就九月爆掉而已
作者: jetergood (守護者)   2016-12-07 01:02:00
作者: SlamKai (Calm Violence)   2016-12-07 01:09:00
五年時間夠洋基振興再起了 Theo更是五年破魔咒呢
作者: sikerkuaitai (K)   2016-12-07 01:11:00
洋基農場天賦也不少 剛好明年FA年大撒錢 大約也走完而且均速100的CP只有一個阿
作者: rockjeans (相信無限可能)   2016-12-07 01:19:00
作者: ypw (橙黃橘綠秋心不已)   2016-12-07 01:19:00
作者: lingon (林果)   2016-12-07 01:21:00
作者: ypw (橙黃橘綠秋心不已)   2016-12-07 01:21:00
作者: cobra011955 (Mr.Cobra)   2016-12-07 01:27:00
作者: jones210272 (阿霖)   2016-12-07 01:27:00
作者: Eddward (Eric)   2016-12-07 01:34:00
天天B還要去打經典賽勒 怎麼看好他還能穩整個球季
作者: lyk191947 (kuan)   2016-12-07 02:17:00
作者: king90333 (NoDoubtAboutCardinals)   2016-12-07 07:52:00
洋基應該要補SP吧… 基基會後悔的
作者: deeping774 (deeplover)   2016-12-07 07:59:00
看他投超過一局就很抖 還簽他幹嘛
作者: mightymouse (翻墮羅流大師)   2016-12-07 08:08:00
作者: kee32 (終於畢業了)   2016-12-07 08:30:00
作者: ck326 (傑洛米零)   2016-12-07 08:41:00
作者: m50blue (大摳呆)   2016-12-07 09:10:00
身為基迷的習慣 還是很難改 希望年年衝撞季後賽...
作者: spree8 (Enter Sandman)   2016-12-07 21:54:00
先發不補 補頂級CL真的沒啥用
作者: acerow83 (acerow)   2016-12-07 23:37:00
洋基打線問題大 牛的問題 等有機會進季後賽再補救好
作者: wenhh88 (o(.〝.)o )   2016-12-08 10:35:00

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