“First and foremost, I owe a sincere apology to all of my teammates, my coaching staff,
the organization and all of our fans for how I conducted myself today. It’s unbecoming.
It was childish, unprofessional. There’s no place for it in the game. I’m happy it didn’t result in
any physical injury for anybody else. I realize I put people in danger.”
“I want to be clear that my frustrations were with myself and my inability to stop the
situation and keep my team in the game. It was not directed at any of my teammates,
even though I know that it came off that way. I love going to battle with my guys every day,
and today I feel like I really let them down, both personally and professionally.”
"I’m an intense competitor and that fire is what drives me, and today it completely consumed
me, took over. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for how I behaved. I’ll be better about it.
It won’t happen again.”
Bauer知道他的舉動非常幼稚 不專業
他的憤怒是針對自己的爛表現 絕對不是針對隊友
他感到非常抱歉 並且保證不會再出現第二次