以下是Wade Miley過去四場先發成績:
9/5 0.0IP 5H 5R(5ER) 1BB
9/10 0.1IP 7H 7R(7ER) 2BB
9/15 6.0IP 7H 2R(2ER) 1BB
9/21 1.0IP 4H 4R(4ER) 1BB
總計 7.1IP 23H 18R(18ER) 5BB 22.07ERA
九月前ERA僅3.06 如今已經暴漲到3.91
太空人豪華輪值的一員 Wade Miley 到底怎麼了?
Miley is at a loss for reasons why he can’t get outs, saying it’s not
mental, and Hinch said the pitcher was already looking at video in a
desperate search for answers after the game. Miley maintains he’s not
tipping pitches and is healthy, but he said hitters are recognizing pitches
out of his hand, whereas earlier in the season they weren’t.
“I’m concerned because we haven’t been able to get through this,” Hinch
said. “We’re going to figure it out. He’s going to be really effective for
us. Given the time, it’s a difficult time to assess because he’s got one
start left before we’ve got to make some decisions. We’d obviously like to
get him in a better frame of mind.”
總之 太空人還在找辦法幫助他
要是Miley調不回來的話 太空人季後賽的四號先發該怎麼辦呢?