[外電] 太空人前教頭AJ Hinch: 我們自找的

作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)   2020-02-07 16:26:36
來源: LA Times
網址: https://tinyurl.com/r2naxsk
We did it to ourselves,’ A.J. Hinch says of Astros’ tainted title
問到太空人有汙點的世界大賽冠軍 A.J. Hinch說:"我們自找的。"
Is the Houston Astros’ World Series championship tainted?
A.J. Hinch, the manager of that 2017 team, did not say no.
A.J. Hinch是2017年時太空人的總教練,他沒有說不是。
“It’s a fair question,” he said on MLB Network on Thursday.
The Astros beat the Dodgers in the the 2017 World Series. Major League
Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred last month announced that a league
investigation had determined the Astros had violated league rules against
using technology to steal signs during games.
太空人是在2017年的世界大賽擊敗了道奇。上個月聯盟主席Rob Manfred宣布調查結果,認
The perception that the Astros cheated their way to victory might never be
erased, Hinch acknowledged.
“We did it to ourselves,” he said.
Hinch and Astros’ general manager Jeff Luhnow were suspended for one year by
Manfred, then fired by Astros owner Jim Crane. Alex Cora, then the Astros’
bench coach, was fired as manager of the Boston Red Sox. Carlos Beltran, then
an Astros’ veteran player, was fired as manager of the New York Mets.
Hinch跟太空人總管Jeff Luhnow被主席Manfred水桶一年,之後就被太空人老闆Jim Crane
給開除了。原本紅襪教練Alex Cora那時是太空人的板凳教練,也被開除。梅子總教練
Carlos Beltran那時是太空人老將也被開除。
In his first interview since then, Hinch suggested the question of whether
the Astros’ title was tainted might diminish over time, and with the
continued excellence of such stars as Jose Altuve and Alex Bregman.
Jose Altuve跟Alex Bregman持續表現高檔下,可能會隨時間淡去。
“I hope over time, it’s proven that it wasn’t,” Hinch said. “But I
understand the question. It’s a fair question. And people are going to have
to draw their own conclusions.
“Unfortunately, we opened that door, as a group. That question may never be
answered. We may never know. We’re going to have to live and move forward
and be better in the sport. Unfortunately, no one can really answer that
question. I can’t pinpoint the advantages, or what exactly would have
happened otherwise.
“But we did it to ourselves.”
作者: maik0810 (maik)   2020-02-07 16:30:00
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2020-02-07 16:32:00
球******** 一個偷MVP 一個差點偷到
作者: scatman (A-Hi)   2020-02-07 16:32:00
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阿土伯: 我們被拋棄惹嗎QQ
作者: DavidFoster (The Best of Me)   2020-02-07 16:36:00
作者: LastDinosaur (LastDino)   2020-02-07 16:46:00
阿土伯: i feel bad for you
作者: yeng1217 (σ`∀′) ゚∀゚)σ)   2020-02-07 16:46:00
作者: c871111116 (廢文死北七)   2020-02-07 16:50:00
可是你家球員說你只是做好該做的是耶結果被處罰的道歉 逃過一劫的不認錯 LUL
作者: LKN555 (好的)   2020-02-07 16:58:00
道個歉 看有沒有機會回來啊
作者: hydreigon (hydreigon)   2020-02-07 17:00:00
作者: sustainer123 (caster)   2020-02-07 17:01:00
道歉才回不來啦 你看哪個球員有道歉
作者: sikerkuaitai (K)   2020-02-07 17:46:00
Hinch跟Luhnow真的衰 被底下球員搞 打鼓伯完全沒事
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笑死 等著看阿土Bangman下滑
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老老實實的扛下來 如果撐得過去 也算一個崁棧了
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閉嘴 那年冠軍是道奇
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better than nothing
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幹 希望今年看到阿土肥每場都被砸畜生球
作者: joe0726   2020-02-07 23:01:00
回答得至少還算有誠意 反觀打鼓伯...
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太空人不用nasa科技 難道會是運動家或遊騎兵用高科技嗎呵
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打鼓伯這種咖笑 看了就討厭
作者: plug (?????)   2020-02-08 11:28:00
作者: hayato01 (kunsou)   2020-02-08 13:09:00
Hinch跟Lunow被搞??呵呵呵呵呵不就是狗咬狗而已嗎?聯盟為了即將的談判硬是把所以球員當成汙點證人讓他們去咬Hinch跟Lunow 有
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