來源: The Score
網址: https://www.thescore.com/mlb/news/1992927
Report: MLB can suspend players guilty of electronically stealing signs
Major League Baseball and the MLBPA have agreed that players who steal signs
electronically can be suspended without pay and service time, according to
Evan Drellich of The Athletic.
根據The Athletic記者Evan Drellich報導,聯盟跟球員工會同意球員若使用電子設備偷暗
The league has reportedly hired an independent security firm to monitor
video-room entrances. Additionally, signs are expected to be edited from
footage used by players during games by the 2021 season.
While commissioner Rob Manfred will have the power to implement these
suspensions, the union will maintain the ability to appeal said decisions.
There is no set length or severity for the punishments, and precedents are
expected to develop over time.
儘管主席Rob Manfred將會有權力可以執行禁賽,工會仍保有對此處分上訴的權利。目前對
As an added wrinkle, if three or more players on the same team are discovered
to have violated the rule at the same time, the league and union are expected
to have a plan in place to stagger the punishments so a roster isn't too
When the Houston Astros were found to have illegally stolen signs during its
2017 World Series run using an electronic system, players from that roster
were granted immunity so they would not be punished financially or by way of
suspension. That will no longer be the case for guilty parties going forward.