今天波拉斯出席了自己旗下客戶Nick Castellanos 加盟費城的記者會 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkHaAeXwibA&t=640s 然後在10:40處 波拉斯先感謝了費城老闆John Middleton I wanna thank John Middleton for signing Nick, and now I don't get four phone ca lls a day for the last month from Bryce Harper 感謝Middleton簽了Castellanos 讓他現在不用每天一直接到Harper電話(招募Castellanos) 上個月harper每天打四通電話給他xd 記者會出席人士: 費城人球團總裁:David Dombrowski 費城人總教練:Joe Girardi Nick Castellanos 經紀人: Scott Boras https://i.imgur.com/ilFtBpE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KR61VIP.jpg
i pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith,as there's a drive into deep left field by castellanosand that'll be a home run so make it a 4-0 ball game'