小弟資質愚鈍,關於規則五薪資,看了MLB規則之後還是似懂非懂 以下節錄自mlb rule 5 If a selected player was under a Major League Uniform Player’s Contract for a ll or part of the season preceding the player’s selection, a Major League Clu b that returns such a player to the Major League Club from which the player wa s selected shall be liable for any salary set forth in its Major League Unifor m Player’s Contract with the player in excess of the total salary the player received (under both a Major League Uniform Player’s Contract and a Minor Lea gue Uniform Player Contract) for the previous championship season. 想請問各位大大哪個條件比較符合真實情況,或是有其他更適合的解釋。 假設C球員原本在A隊(合約為1000萬/1000萬的兩年約),並在第一年結束後的規則五選 秀被B隊選走,B隊在第二年正好進行到一半的時候將C退回A隊(假設忽略waiver等過程) 這兩個選項是否有較符合實際情況的? (A)B負擔當年度一半500萬,剩餘薪水在退回A隊後由A隊負擔剩餘的500萬 (B)B負責當年度所有薪水1000萬,退回後A隊不需負擔任何薪水 在此先感謝各位大大撥冗回答這個問題