Those teams might even include the Cubs, who met with Boras and his top staff Tu
esday night at the Conrad hotel and resort to discuss several players, including
both shortstops, sources said Wednesday.
根據情報指出,小熊隊在週二於康萊德酒店和Scott Boras見面
Sources say the Cubs kicked the tires on both Bell and Nimmo, in addition to the
two Boras Corp. shortstops, during Tuesday’s meeting — just one of many meeti
ngs the Cubs had with agents this week exploring the markets for middle infielde
rs, pitchers, center fielders and first basemen (and lefty hitters wherever they
might find them within those positional needs).
會中除了兩大游擊手外,也提到了Josh Bell、Brandon Nimmo
At this point, the Cubs aren’t expected to pursue Rodon, who might wind up in T
exas, after recently buying a home in the Dallas area and given what many antici
pate will be another aggressive approach to the winter by the Rangers after hiri
ng four-time World Series manager Bruce Bochy out of retirement.
話說內文也提到Carlos Rodón最近在達拉斯買房