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作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball
標題: [情報] Tim Anderson想和白襪續約
時間: Sat Feb 25 16:02:25 2023
Anderson hopes for extension with White Sox
All-Star shortstop Tim Anderson hopes to sign a long-term extension with the Whi
te Sox, he told MLB.com earlier this week. Anderson, 30 in June, will make $12.5
million in 2023, and his contract includes a $14 million club option ($1 millio
n buyout) for 2024. Assuming that is picked up, he will reach free agency at age
31 after the 2024 season. From MLB.com:
"I'm on two option years, and we let it get here and it's like, dang, I kind of
want to know where my feet are going to be at the next whatever years it is and
I want to know where I'm going to be at," Anderson told MLB.com during a Wednesd
ay interview. "I'm so comfortable where I'm at now. I'm kind of just really anxi
ous to see what it is, and I would rather be comfortable as quick as I can.
"I have a lot of things that are going on with kids and just family. Being comfo
rtable is huge for me. No, I'm not promoting 'pay me.' It's just that's what's r
eally going on. Everybody knows I want to be here. It's no secret."
來源: https://reurl.cc/1eo5z8
白襪隊游擊手Tim Anderson近期接受大聯盟官網訪問時
2023 30歲 1250萬美金(白襪已執行)
2024 31歲 1400萬美金(球團選擇)
G:251 PA:1123 .309/.342/.457 33HR OPS.799 OPS+119
預計擔任Trea Turner的替補