Tmk ( )
2023-05-10 23:58:04好奇什麼樣的人會發表這樣的言論
結果一查兩位主持人之一的Craig Carton,真的是非常厲害
※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: New York radio host on Rays’ success: ‘They’re probably cheating’
: BALTIMORE — After watching the Rays take two of three from the Yankees over the
: weekend, two hosts on popular New York sports radio station WFAN are suggesting
: they have compiled the best record in the majors by cheating.
: “There’s something suspicious about that, by the way,” Evan Roberts said. “V
: ery suspicious.”
: To which co-host Craig Carton replied: “Yeah, they’re probably cheating.”
: “I didn’t say it,” Roberts said. “But all I know is I am a baseball fan, I k
: now baseball, I like baseball, I was very skeptical with what I saw this weekend
: .”
: In posting a 29-7 record (through Monday), the Rays have surprisingly led the ma
: jors in runs, home runs, OPS and most other offensive categories.
: Carton said their performance “makes no sense at all,” calling the Rays “a bu
: nch of journeymen outperforming their baseball cards.”
: “All of them,” Roberts said, then named a couple: “Christian Bethancourt? Hel
: lo? Taylor Walls? What? You know what we do, what most of us do? We don’t know
: who they are, so we say, ‘Oh, the Rays are brilliant.’ Here’s the problem: I
: know who they are; they’re not good. The Rays are 19-3 at home? Hello?”
: He then referenced the Astros’ 2017 cheating scandal that was exposed in an art
: icle by The Athletic, saying of the Rays’ success, “Are you going to wake up w
: hen the article is written in The Athletic or are you going to wake up now?”
: Roberts said he had “no evidence” of the Rays doing anything wrong, but later
: added, “Sometimes you don’t need evidence. Sometimes you’ve got to say, ‘Wha
: t I’m watching doesn’t make sense.’ So I’ll do it. I’m not a Yankees fan. I
: have no reason to say it. I’m going to raise my hand: Hey, ladies and gentleme
: n, what I’m seeing in Tampa makes no sense.”
: Roberts continued his rant on Tuesday, saying, per audacy.com, “Look at all tho
: se crappy players and how they’re all having amazing years. They have a lot of
: guys on their team that all of a sudden are putting up crazy numbers. ... I like
: Wander Franco but there’s a lot of examples. A lot of these, all at the same t
: ime. Like Chad Mottola is the greatest hitting coach of all time. I find that st
: range.’'
: The Rays, via a team spokesperson, declined comment.
: https://reurl.cc/WD5X1L
: 但也說自己沒證據
: 痾 故意引戰嗎…..