Fw: [情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2023-07-21 00:01:31
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1akLfD6J ]
作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball
標題: [情報] 消息人士:曼佛地魔續任MLB主席已成定局
時間: Fri Jul 21 00:01:15 2023
Commissioner Election Vote Scheduled For Next Week; Manfred Expected To Be Re-El
Major League Baseball’s owners will vote next week to determine whether to keep
Rob Manfred as commissioner, report Evan Drellich and Ken Rosenthal of the Athl
etic. There’s little intrigue expected with the outcome, as one person told The
Athletic it’s “a foregone conclusion” Manfred will be re-elected.
That’s no surprise. The last time Manfred’s job was up for debate — over the
2018-19 offseason — he was unanimously approved for a five-year extension. Manf
red will only need to secure a simple majority for an extension, with 16 of the
30 ownership representatives approving. He’ll almost certainly get that and cou
ld have a chance at another unanimous vote.
The terms of a new extension aren’t clear. Manfred’s current deal runs through
2024. If he’s re-upped for another five years, that’d take him through the ’
29 campaign.
Within the past few seasons, MLB and the Players Association were at odds both r
egarding the return-to-play measures during the 2020 pandemic peak and saw the f
irst official work stoppage in more than two decades with the 2021-22 lockout. M
LB revenues reportedly bounced back above pre-pandemic levels once the CBA was h
ammered out last spring, however. Manfred told Bill Shaikin of the Los Angeles T
imes towards the end of last season that league revenues were approaching a reco
rd $11 billion for 2022. Manfred first took over as commissioner in November 201
而根據一位知情人士告知The Athletic的訊息
2013 71.0億美金
作者: destinyx2   2023-07-21 00:20:00
作者: saiulbb (Becky♪#是我的拉!)   2023-07-21 00:41:00
只對太空人事件跟規則施行有點倉促有點意見 其他OK
作者: zx246800tw (搖桿驅動程式)   2023-07-21 02:18:00
作者: ClaireDanes (深坑倖存者)   2023-07-21 02:49:00
作者: ken720331 (肯)   2023-07-21 07:52:00
作者: angelawen (詩)   2023-07-21 08:37:00
作者: frank123ya (法蘭克123耶~)   2023-07-21 10:15:00
好啊 繼續噓
作者: taxlaw1991 (taxlaw91)   2023-07-21 11:15:00
他真的沒那麼糟 但沒給鼓人野手禁賽還是該罵
作者: kamihio (被蝴蝶追著跑的貝拉)   2023-07-21 11:17:00
網民討厭而已 老闆們愛的很畢竟誰不愛$$$呢
作者: cor1os (大丈夫だ問題ない)   2023-07-21 11:52:00
作者: abc12812   2023-07-21 11:53:00
規則上就無法禁賽阿 禁賽=把球員減薪 這種事除非CBA有先和工會達成協議 不然聯盟無法在無規範的情況下侵犯球員工作權簡單說就是和禁藥年代的問題相同 只有備忘錄禁止但CBA上沒有規範所以無法處罰其他球團高管不是工會成員所以聯盟想處罰就處罰沒問題這告訴大家有工會加入的重要性囉
作者: Sechslee (キタ━━(゚∀゚)━━!!)   2023-07-21 15:15:00
作者: cha122977 (CHA)   2023-07-22 03:54:00
不是幫他說話 但作弊要怎麼罰想當困難如果投手群真的不知情 怎麼罰?

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